anon_X said:
Big Bang theory. Adorable lol. Banned for being more adorable than me. Which is all the time.
Banned for gainig 20 clarinetist points
Updated by anonymous
Posted under Off Topic
This topic has been locked.
anon_X said:
Big Bang theory. Adorable lol. Banned for being more adorable than me. Which is all the time.
Banned for gainig 20 clarinetist points
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause still up. Was google imaging gruesome car accidents for some reason. Probably reminding myself not to text and drive. Or give myself nightmares. Prolly both.
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause still up. Was google imaging gruesome car accidents for some reason. Probably reminding myself not to text and drive. Or give myself nightmares. Prolly both.
Banned cause I was in a car accident two months ago four broken ribs a scar four inches long on my left side of torso broke my nose and had head trama all from a texting driver and that destroyed my 2000 nissan sentra I got a 2001 accord then my VW bus
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I sometimes wish someone would total my T bird, as much as I love it. *lays down on bed with open arms* come snuggles, you still seem a bit sad.
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause I sometimes wish someone would total my T bird, as much as I love it. *lays down on bed with open arms* come snuggles, you still seem a bit sad.
Lays down snuggling banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause you know, whenever you think people are judging you it's 90% of the time in your head. Your bf, roomie, me, and your family even if you don't believe it, love and care about you. So buck up! So you aren't perfect, none of us are. Despite all our faults, or perhaps because of them, people still are truly amazing and deserving- including you. Just remember you've got friends and loved ones all around you, and are always willing to listen. <3
Updated by anonymous
banned cause post #456573
And catnap soon...
Updated by anonymous
sleep now for me ¦) banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause night night Mr Man. And Ms Furball. I guess I should try to get 5 hours or so of shut eye.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause coffee
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause 3 1/3 hrs of sleep
Updated by anonymous
off to work see ya'll around 2:30pm PST banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause the bus seems strangely bearable for a Monday. Prolly cuz I'm sleepconsciousing.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I don't know if I have classes today
Updated by anonymous
banned cause coffee time
Updated by anonymous
Banned because woo Coffee!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause =^.^=
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause can't afford coffee. Trapped in a half conscious delirium.
Updated by anonymous
Eeeps... banned cause *gives coffee* :3
Updated by anonymous
*coats coffee in creamer, sugar, and chocolate coffee syrup, then chugs it down* much bettur! Thank yu banned!
Updated by anonymous
Welcome banned :3
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm drinking coffee
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause roll and rock
Breakfast in bed does have some risks...
Dat poor coffee... =~.~=
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause not a very busy thread today.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause that could change
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned cause that could change
Huehuehue the dwaggy is home from work banned
Updated by anonymous
banned cause 4392AF3948BCAED9384DAF18749BA349
Updated by anonymous
K. cool banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause not the 3DS public key...
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned cause not the 3DS public key...
posting from a 3DS banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause posting from laptop :3
Updated by anonymous
Banned ima use mine now typing on this thing is murder on my eyes to see the keys
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause aw
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause want to sleep, but falling asleep on bus unwise.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause might miss stop, and other stuff
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause i'm back sorry my BF got frisky
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause murr :3
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause it was well... hehehe...
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause post #456776
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
post #456776
that poor coffee banned ;_;
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I need to unlock irl teleportation.
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause I need to unlock irl teleportation.
Banned cause wormholes :3
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause I need to unlock irl teleportation.
;P banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I still don't know why I browse these forums on a city bus wearing skinny jeans. At least I haven't seen anything that'll get me hard instantly.
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause I still don't know why I browse these forums on a city bus wearing skinny jeans. At least I haven't seen anything that'll get me hard instantly.
I'll descride what my BF did to me... so banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :P
Updated by anonymous
thatoneclarinetist said:
I'll descride what my BF did to me... so banned
Oh lord. What have I started? Banned.
Updated by anonymous
banned cause post #254464
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Oh lord. What have I started? Banned.
Banned cause i'm sure you want it to continue ;P
Updated by anonymous
banned cause post #50430
Updated by anonymous
thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause i'm sure you want it to continue ;P
That's beside the point. Banned cause I don't need the people on the 5:45 express in a bit to know my dick size.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause tee hee...
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
That's beside the point. Banned cause I don't need the people on the 5:45 express in a bit to know my dick size.
Ok banned cause he begain to grab my stomach and kiss my nose then my cheeks and the kissing ensued and our shirts came off...
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause post #30160
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause that's hot. But my self control is winning out. And god damnit Furballs, you aren't helping!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause aw...
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned cause aw...
To be specific, you aren't helping ME. Banned for furthering clarinetist's cause.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause post #212715
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause that's hot. But my self control is winning out. And god damnit Furballs, you aren't helping!
Banned cause then we ended up me on bottom I was wearing my prince albert he used his body to help me "feel the moment" and then the wet kisses begain
Updated by anonymous
banned cause post #247478
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
banned cause post #247478
LOL banned
Updated by anonymous
banned cause post #273829
Updated by anonymous
Oh, look over there. There's one of those shouty preacher thingies at the downtown bus terminal. Banned because I don't have time to troll him.
Updated by anonymous
banned cause eagerly :3
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Oh, look over there. There's one of those shouty preacher thingies at the downtown bus terminal. Banned because I don't have time to troll him.
Banned cause aww....
Updated by anonymous
banned cause post #274005
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause...
Updated by anonymous
banned cause post #258380
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause hmm....
Updated by anonymous
banned cause post #274160
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
banned cause post #274160
Clarinetist likey banned
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous