Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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Banned cause big massive .darc(compared to the others I have, anyway)

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Florida #4 of my top ten reasons I hate being from the south banned

banned cause I'm with you on this one

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned cause and no more shuttle launches...

Banned cause that is the #8 reason on my list

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause EVERYONE SHUT UP NOW!!!! thank you. Carry on.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Banned for having more than 5 reasons

Banned cause my list

#10. its to fucking hot
#9. to many dangerous snakes and reptiles
#8. no more shuttle launches
#7. rednecks
#6. antigay propaganda
#5. everyone has to like football and be a total ass about it
#4. Florida exists
#3. Bull Connor google him...
#2. Slavory
#1. Everyone thinks i'm retarded being from the south but I have mental illness and they think i'm just a "stupid southerner" untill they see me kiss my BF on the lips LOL "now kiss"

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I only need one reason to hate the south: Larry the Cable Guy. He got famous from ONE (admittedly hilarious) routine, and now he spends all his time doing Prilosec commercials and "Only in America"...

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause now I'm having second thoughts about that job in Florida

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I'm more annoyed at Texas for Ted Cruz than I am at Ontaro for Justin Bieber for 2 reasons:

1) Cruz was elected to his place; Usher appointed bieber.
2) At least Bieber used to be sexy.
3) Bieber isn't trying to be president.

Updated by anonymous

Fluttershy said:
Banned cause ew defending beaver

Who would YOU rather be stuck with for president? Put it that way. Banned.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Who would YOU rather be stuck with for president? Put it that way. Banned.

Cruz, banned

Updated by anonymous

Banned because you don't need a certificate to be insane

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Banned because you don't need a certificate to be insane

Banned cause cupcakes and a shed helps

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned cause cupcakes and a shed helps

Banned cause win.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I need a ps4. It's not want anymore.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause I need a ps4. It's not want anymore.

Banned cause Knack

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause I need a ps4. It's not want anymore.

banned cause selling a kidney =PS4

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
banned cause selling a kidney =PS4

Banned cause yep

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause selling my liver must = half an xbone then. Or 3 ps4s. /M$zing

Updated by anonymous

tfkcex said:
banned cause:I

banned cause u should be happy, this thread has 539 pages now :x

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause it's that time of evening where I disappear for a few hours. Ttyl.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause it's that time of evening where I disappear for a few hours. Ttyl.

*Blows a kiss* banned <3

Updated by anonymous

wasn't ":@" an angry face? (at least in was in the old msn)


Updated by anonymous

Fluttershy said:
wasn't ":@" an angry face? (at least in was in the old msn)


I think so... banned

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Banned because I used to use the old MSN

Banned cause me too

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:

intelligent bans from intelligent people banned

Updated by anonymous

banned cause

CTR NUP 040600 Mar 14 2012 13:33:20

CTR EC 040600 Mar 14 2012 13:33:20

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Banned cause it's late Goodnight

Banned cause have good catnap =^.^=

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Banned cause it's late Goodnight

Gets the felt tip marker Banned for sleeping amidst trouble makers

Updated by anonymous

Fluttershy said:
Banned cause watch out we got a badass over here -.-

Yes you do! banned for stating the odvious

Updated by anonymous