Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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Banned cause my BF made me and him fried breaded Crawfish its a southerners dinner

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause cheeseburgers for dinner. How do crawfish taste? Lobstery? Shrimpy? Chicken?

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I'm watching Airplane. Funny, even for a 34 year old movie.

Updated by anonymous

anon_X said:
Banned cause cheeseburgers for dinner. How do crawfish taste? Lobstery? Shrimpy? Chicken?

Banned cause they all taste unique you have to be from a state on the gulf coast to taste the diffrence

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause just had a yummy bowl of ice cream it was choclate mudslide I had to REALLY limit myself cause my diabetes but I still feel thirsty and i'm getting sweaty

Updated by anonymous

Banned because "banned because" is the thing I can type quickly

Edit: <3

Updated by anonymous

banned cause hmmmm..... your avatar is not her anymore?

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause I hear the controversial arabic chanting in my n64 copy of The Ledgend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time cartrage! :O

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause the chanting was taken out in later versions meaning I had to have most likly bought it the day it came out before it sold out but I remember waiting ouside the gamestore in the humid 73 deegree south texas heat and that was at night...

Updated by anonymous

Naw naw... it was something... wonderful... :) banned for me relizing something that makes me a happy dragon

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause should I tell you guys why i'm so happy and lovey-dovey right now?

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Banned cause I can't stop laughing at this

banned cause Whoop Whoop!

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Banned cause why so happy?

Banned cause in addition to getting the job at the school district as a substitute band and orchestra teacher and working as a woodwind insturment salesperson at a music store getting a comisson everytime I sell an insturment I am also being paid a teachers salory for evry time I sub as a result i'll starting to get paid a lofty amount for a college student and my BF always offers to transfer from Baylor university to Washington State university... and...

Updated by anonymous

Killersweet said:
Banned cause sounds like everything is going pretty good :3

Banned cause it gets better! because of my substitue status I was offered a chance to chaperone assist a band camp at one of the high schools in the district's feild marching program they offered me the spot on writing the drill simpliy put the places where everyone is gonna go during the show but cause of the moneys and college going great I was thinking...

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
banned cause post #458624

Banned cause damn you convenient censorship... anyway site needs more koakuma... in fact...

Updated by anonymous