Banned cause my brain hurts...
Updated by anonymous
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Banned cause my brain hurts...
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause Cafe here = Wii-U :3
Updated by anonymous
Jatix said:
Banned cause so much nope
Banned cause Lyra was first, I believe
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I want my mom to clean the pool! Maybe I'll actually go for a soak this season. (Above ground 5 foot pool, no swimming lol)
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause ah
Updated by anonymous
Jatix said:
Banned cause so much nope
Banned cause better than the Lyra one I guess (?), oh well, not surprising tbh
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I did read it, what about it
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :O
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause watched some jontron HUEH!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause dbg_source_root path
Updated by anonymous
Jatix said:
Banned cause fail
Banned cause :O
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :P
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause money. I want it. ALL OF IT.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause of this planet.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause me right now
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I just realized my headphones were in the jeans I washed. :/
Updated by anonymous
Jatix said:
Banned cause night guys
Banned cause have good catnap =^.^=
Updated by anonymous
Jatix said:
Banned cause night guys
Goodnight? it's 2:00pm... banned for to much sleep
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause timezones
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned cause timezones
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause watching "baddest dog" on animal planet. My cat can open a cabinet door with effort, but I'm glad she can't open the fridge...
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause hey anon i'm bored ;P
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :P
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause hmmmm....
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause ughh.... just killed a big spider and because I recently played The Ledged of Zelda Twilight Princess this is the song that plays in my head when I see a spider
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :P
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause my seeing a spider song.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause how Darius surfs e621
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause my cat luffs me! <3
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause my cat luffs me! <3
Banned cause meow! :3
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause my cat luffs me! <3
banned cause so does the dwaggy ;P
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :P
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause my exact reaction to herms
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :P
Updated by anonymous
Dept of commerce to finally give up control of the internet's domain registry. GOP and FOX going apeshit.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I'm tempted to show this to a certain user
Updated by anonymous
Banned for the lulz.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause the song of e621
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause GM recalled about 5M cars since the start of last month. Go ford!
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause GM recalled about 5M cars since the start of last month. Go ford!
Banned cause excellent for me driving this
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause now I have to go to work with that internet song stuck in my head.
anon_X said:
Banned cause GM recalled about 5M cars since the start of last month. Go ford!
Banned cause the last two vehicles I've bought were/are GMs.
Updated by anonymous
Tangent said:
Banned cause now I have to go to work with that internet song stuck in my head.Banned cause the last two vehicles I've bought were/are GMs.
your welcome ;P banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned because dragonslaying should still be a viable profession for me in this day and age >:3
Updated by anonymous
Tangent said:
Banned because dragonslaying should still be a viable profession for me in this day and age >:3
WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?!?!?!!? banned for making me fear for my life ;_;
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause <3
Updated by anonymous
Tangent said:
Banned because dragonslaying should still be a viable profession for me in this day and age >:3
Banned cause XD
It's Lay the dragon.
Updated by anonymous
Tangent said:
Banned cause the last two vehicles I've bought were/are GMs.
Banned cause if you bought a ford, toyo, Hyundai, VW, or Subaru, you wouldn't of needed that second car.
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned cause XDIt's Lay the dragon.
yeah no girly girls though so banned
anon_X said:
Banned cause if you bought a ford, toyo, Hyundai, VW, or Subaru, you wouldn't of needed that second car.
vintage VW bus FTW!!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :P
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause if you bought a ford, toyo, Hyundai, VW, or Subaru, you wouldn't of needed that second car.
Banned cause I agree.
Updated by anonymous
Fluttershy said:
Banned cause I agree.
I take it you drive a Hyundai? so banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause what do you think ...
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause if you bought a ford, toyo, Hyundai, VW, or Subaru, you wouldn't of needed that second car.
Banned 'cause all those vehicles are just as susceptible to being hit by a truck as a Camaro is. Banned because Hyundais are the most soulless, terribly depressing cars ever and the only decent one I can think of would be one underneath a gigantic dragoness' foot. Banned because Mustangs are girls' cars. Banned because a 4-speed transmission is a mechanical connection to the human soul.
Banned 'cause I'm gonna be late for work.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being stuck in a time loop
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause you sucked me into all this :3
Updated by anonymous
Tangent said:
Banned 'cause some wall text and stuff
Banned cause different strokes for different folks
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause shark week
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause lobsterban
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause lobsterwhaambulance
Updated by anonymous
Fluttershy said:
Banned cause lobsterwhaambulance
+1 banned
Updated by anonymous
Fluttershy said:
Banned cause lobsterwhaambulance
Banned cause :P
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
anon_X said:
Banned cause...Soulless: Gen,": Gen Coupe, Equus, Soul
^^^ 50 shades of this.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I missed a quote mark. :P
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause and that error is now quoted for the eternity
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm a dude and I want the girls car
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
Banned because I'm a dude and I want the girls car
Banned cause have my +1
Updated by anonymous