Banned cause vanned.
Updated by anonymous
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Banned cause vanned.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you should be tied in your room. Who untied you? furballs!
Updated by anonymous
I demand the right to know why I was tied up! please?
Updated by anonymous
I don't know either.
Updated by anonymous
Records say that Alastair said "epic", sooooo... yah
Updated by anonymous
Ah, I now recall null giving the sentence. its in the ban evador intro thread
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I now have a youtube account but upload photo/image option is broken.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because the Pope has resigned. Have a nice retirement Benny!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause yeah, hasn't happened since 700+ years.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause saying the Pope is 700+ years old.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Tuesday night can't come fast enough. =>.<=
Updated by anonymous
Banned because its monday. I hate Thursdays
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
I ban you to hell, now you will never know how it ends!!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I just unbanned myself.
Updated by anonymous
Oh no you didn't! *include gesture*
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause well then, more cookies for me. Heh... heh...
Updated by anonymous
Oh no you didn't!
*steals the cookies*
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Yes it is.
Edit: NOW my youtube pic changed. Odd it took awhile.
Updated by anonymous
Ban cause youtube!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause hm.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because: stress n' depression
(and colons :::::::.)
Updated by anonymous
Banned for colon breakage.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
And sold to the man at the back at the left in the cat ear headband.
Updated by anonymous
Going once...
Updated by anonymous
Going twice...
Updated by anonymous
Sold... oh never mind. Out of stock.
*No refunds.
Updated by anonymous
Have our complimentary pen instead.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Good evening sir. May I show you to your table?
Updated by anonymous
Oh, don't mind the table. It falls through the floor sometimes.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause this is going somewhere of no banning.
Updated by anonymous
AlastairWhitehall said:
Banned cause this is going somewhere of no banning.
Finally! Somebody bans someone!
You make me so proud! n_n
For that reason I ban you, have a nice day!
PS: I love your avatar, it's so well done!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for banning silliness in a silly thread.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for klasjdfa
Updated by anonymous
Thank you Xch3I. Your not the only one that likes it, and its because of you lot I'm not changing it. Thank Kimpumomo though, who recommend this to me when I was struggling for ideas.
Banned for gibberish Furballs!!!!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause (C)1999 Bizarre Creations
Updated by anonymous
*Sigh* Yet again stuff i never knew existed: banned. You realise I now have to throw a kidney at you right?
Updated by anonymous
You do and I'll give you such a pinch. Or the dreaded ear pull. Not sure yet.
Updated by anonymous
Kidney vs Pinch
Yay!!! Warning, the kidney has started decomposing.
Updated by anonymous
Danger! Wear a gasmask!
Updated by anonymous
But there is only one gas mask captain!
Updated by anonymous
Then we must make more...
Updated by anonymous
Okay, give me a:
Bottle opener, paper clip, a fridge, a cat, a towel, water, sulfur, magnesium, some jelly babies, butter, leather and a spare kidney.
Updated by anonymous
Oh, a spare kidney is easy. *Gets one from someone's freezer*
Updated by anonymous
Thanks, but that was my shopping list.
What I really need is: Bread, butter, jam, quartz, filter, polymers, leather, transparent acrylic/glass and a snorkel.
Updated by anonymous
*Orders the rest from the internet*
Updated by anonymous
Good, trouble is, we are already dead.
Updated by anonymous
Nope. Time slowed down, this whole thing took less then a second.
Updated by anonymous
You cannot get out of everything furballs dc!!!
Updated by anonymous
AlastairWhitehall said:
You cannot get out of I'll make you eat those words! everything furballs dc!!!Ban
Updated by anonymous
You shall not win!
En garde!
Updated by anonymous
*grabs you with crane and drops you into pool filled with jello*
Updated by anonymous
*I bounce of jello and make perfect landing*
As said, you shall not win! *crane self-destruct activated*
Updated by anonymous
Clever girl...
Updated by anonymous
Banned for gender confusion.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not getting it.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for Jurassic Park reference. -.-'
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause yup. And other stuff.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because of references. The only references I know are from Karl marx.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause the servers are down. Still.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause the system is down
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause 0123;3120;13120;01032;3212021
Updated by anonymous
Banned for talking in maths.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because welcome. There are only 2 'spamy forum games' and this one gets weird.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because thanks! Also because yesh, I can read ;3
Updated by anonymous