Topic: Tag Implication: tail_tales -> video_games

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating tail_tales → video_games
Link to implication


It's a video game.

Also its characters should be implicated to it, but for some reason they have strange and inconsistent tags:
nap=zack, run=turn and rick_zack
I have no idea why there is equal sign there. Either it's some kind of cryptarithmetic puzzle, or two of these characters should be retagged before being implicated.

I just discovered that last one is also tagged as lick=zack. At least it's consistent.

Updated by user 59725

Wikipedia says the game is called tail_tale, no S. The character's proper names are:

As for "Rick Zack," that's the direct Romajii translation, but it's in Katakana, meaning it's meant to be a foreign word simply spelled in Japanese, therefore, Lick.

Updated by anonymous

I have no idea where the = came from, but there's no indication on wikifur or anywhere else that that is how they should be spelled, so I moved them manually over to their _ equivalents and made the following changes:

Updated by anonymous

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