Topic: Tag Alias: pleasure_trail -> happy_trail

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I can agree with this. I don't think I've ever heard it actually called a pleasure trail...

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
Couldn't we just alias it all to pubes? Does anyone actually search for happy_trail?

NO. Hate that tag. Call it pubic hair.

Also, they're different anyways. Maybe an implication is in order.

Updated by anonymous

ThenIThought said:
NO. Hate that tag. Call it pubic hair.

Except pubic_hair has been aliased to pubes, so even if you tag it as pubic_hair it'll still come up as pubes. Y'know. Just sayin'.

Updated by anonymous

Well, if we do ever alias it to one thing (as opposed to something else), it should probably be a term that's neutral in comparison to the rest

Pleasure/treasure/happy are all pretty subjective, and could equally be used in lieu of the other

As a suggestion, Wikipedia seems to have happy trail redirected to abdominal hair, which sounds pretty accurate in describing the tag itself

So what do you all think about aliasing:

happy trail -> abdominal_hair
pleasure_trail -> abdominal_hair
treasure_trail -> abdominal_hair


Updated by anonymous

Well, that's 1 / 2 vote(s) so far

Hrm, you bring up a good point though 720p; this sounds similar to the pubic hair/pubic fur -> pubes debate

What about something like abdominal trail, to avoid having to specify the type of hair/fur?

It sounds pretty silly though

Updated by anonymous

titaniachkt said:

It sounds pretty silly though

There are many silly tags though.

Updated by anonymous

Why make up weird tags for it when happy_trail is a common expression? Just call it that.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Why make up weird tags for it when happy_trail is a common expression? Just call it that.

Please at least alias pleasure_trail, happy_trail and treasure_trail to whichever of those three you see fit because they are synonymous.

Updated by anonymous

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