Topic: Why the hell was doxy's tumblr deleted??

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Ok it was just brought to my attention that doxy's tumblr was deleted.
I've searched around for answers but all I've been able to glean from the situation is that some asshat 17 year old reported him because he was drawing women with dicks....

Are women with dicks OFFENSIVE now? I will NEVER give up my love for dickgirls and neither should anyone else so please, someone tell me what the fuck went wrong!

Updated by user 59725

∑asyZ said:
Wait, what the hell? Is this real?

Yep, I think he has another up but I know he's original got deleted.

Updated by anonymous

∑asyZ said:
Wait, what the hell? Is this real?

Yep some 17 years old sjw named somasis got doxy's tumblr deleted because trasnphobia or some shit like that.

Updated by anonymous

RioluKid said:
Yep some 17 years old sjw named somasis got doxy's tumblr deleted because trasnphobia or some shit like that.

But what exactly did he say was transphobic about it? I mean from what I could tell doxy had no fucking problem with them.

Updated by anonymous

Reminds me of John Joseco's Ask Princess Molestia tumblr.

Updated by anonymous

Imaderule34 said:
But what exactly did he say was transphobic about it? I mean from what I could tell doxy had no fucking problem with them.

The guy basically said that doxy was using a minority as "sex objects" and that using terms like trap herm or futa was dehumanising for trans people, basically it was just a tumblrisms filler sarkeesian-ike rant against doxy.

Updated by anonymous

RioluKid said:
The guy basically said that doxy was using a minority as "sex objects" and that using terms like trap herm or futa was dehumanising for trans people, basically it was just a tumblrisms filler sarkeesian-ike rant against doxy.

So tumblr just deletes a persons tumblr because OTHER people don't like it? Is that how it works?

Updated by anonymous

Imaderule34 said:
So tumblr just deletes a persons tumblr because OTHER people don't like it? Is that how it works?

Yep pretty much, tumblr as the cespool of the surface webs is the perfect site for self-entitled millenials like that sjw asshole somasis.

Updated by anonymous

RioluKid said:
The guy basically said that doxy was using a minority as "sex objects" and that using terms like trap herm or futa was dehumanising for trans people, basically it was just a tumblrisms filler sarkeesian-ike rant against doxy.

I'd like to take a moment to enjoy that even here Sarkeesian's idiocy isn't accepted as fact.

On-Topic: You'd think drawing futa to be enjoyed would be the opposite of transfobia... but Tumblr is just.... Well Tumblr... Can we call the person who reported Doxy phobic of Hermaphrodites for assuming they're trans? :P

Updated by anonymous

that sounds about as stupid as what happened to molestia but then again, it wound up being that John Joseco was looking to move away from the molestia stuff anyway. this is still stupid though.


looks like this was related to a website doxy setup called trapfuta. correction, it was about the title of the website, trapfuta. (seriously? *facepalm* the extent of human stupidity never ceases to amaze.)

conversation between doxy and somasis

that would be "somasis" tumblr btw. sjw's and (not to cause trouble but...) femnazi's...nothing but trouble, all of them and always trying to ruin everything for people. :(

edit: what? (after clicking next post a couple times.)

"it’s not even the fact that doxy is using the slurs and trying to justify it that bothers me, its that my disdain for their usage will be seen as some sjw whining about stupid things
not like the hate crime rate for trans women is sky high or anything, and one of the building blocks of oppression id dehumanization through the usage of slurs, jokes, and putdowns

but whatever I’m just some dumb tranny running his mouth, don’t mind me"

<-avatar, my thoughts after reading that. (note the italics part)

Updated by anonymous

Jade_Angel said:
I'd like to take a moment to enjoy that even here Sarkeesian's idiocy isn't accepted as fact.

On-Topic: You'd think drawing futa to be enjoyed would be the opposite of transfobia... but Tumblr is just.... Well Tumblr... Can we call the person who reported Doxy phobic of Hermaphrodites for assuming they're trans? :P

Noone with a common sense can take any of the bullshit sarkeesian spews out as a fact
on the whole futa pronz=/= to transphobia i think you are right, the thing with tumblr is that serving as the base of sjw millenials it has become the land of hypocrisy and double standars.

Updated by anonymous

RioluKid said:
[...] the thing with tumblr is that serving as the base of sjw millenials it has become the land of hypocrisy and double standars.

This. It's also sorta the reason I don't use it very often (I still use it but not as often as the first week)

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
This. It's also sorta the reason I don't use it very often (I still use it but not as often as the first week)

Me when i first joined tumblr: Yay time to get on and see what kind of fandom and funny stuff i see today!

Me getting on tumblr now: what are you guys offended about today?

Updated by anonymous

This triggers me

Jk, i don't even know who Doxy is but that's pretty fucking stupid that personal feelings get in the way of running that site.

Updated by anonymous

Rusteee said:
This triggers me

Jk, i don't even know who Doxy is but that's pretty fucking stupid that personal feelings get in the way of running that site.

I thought it was personal feelings that FUELED that site. Really, really over-sensitive personal feelings.

Updated by anonymous

RioluKid said:
Me when i first joined tumblr: Yay time to get on and see what kind of fandom and funny stuff i see today!

Me getting on tumblr now: what are you guys offended about today?

pretty much me in regards to AlphaOmegaSin on youtube whenever he makes a video about that kind of crap. if it's not sarkeesian showing once again just how stupid she is, it's something else about sjw's or femnazis getting "triggered" (why is this even a thing? seriously, this alone sounds incredibly stupid imo.) or offended by something. though in his case it's typically gaming related.

to which my response is usually either being dumbfounded at the sheer stupidity of the topic at hand or a big ol' "F you!" (or some equivilant) to whatever stupid thing they choose to get offended by.

example: in a recent video, apparently fat and/or chubby people feel insecure about themselves when they see slim, nice looking characters in videogames so now they're all offended and want devs to start making the characters chubbier or some shit. F NO! to that.get over you're stupid insecurities you whiny babies.

Updated by anonymous

RioluKid said:
Me when i first joined tumblr: Yay time to get on and see what kind of fandom and funny stuff i see today!

Me getting on tumblr now: what are you guys offended about today?

Lol! My exact same reaction now!

Updated by anonymous

Good. I'm glad to see people standing up for Trans-people's rights, unlike some people around here.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Good. I'm glad to see people standing up for Trans-people's rights, unlike some people around here.

There's a difference between standing up for trans-peoples' rights (something more people should totally do!) and going on a self-righteous crusade in which you try to silence and shame anyone who disagrees with you (which seems to be all that anyone does on Tumblr).

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
example: in a recent video, apparently fat and/or chubby people feel insecure about themselves when they see slim, nice looking characters in videogames so now they're all offended and want devs to start making the characters chubbier or some shit. F NO! to that.get over you're stupid insecurities you whiny babies.

Well, you're supporting thin privilege. Why aren't there any fat Spartans in Halo? So, in order to be one of the best warriors of all time, you have to be in shape? Bullshit!

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
There's a difference between standing up for trans-peoples' rights (something more people should totally do!) and going on a self-righteous crusade in which you try to silence and shame anyone who disagrees with you (which seems to be all that anyone does on Tumblr).

Sometimes it's good to censor people. Too much free speech just leads to bathroom stall wall psychology.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Sometimes it's good to censor people. Too much free speech just leads to bathroom wall stall psychology.

You have to take the good with the bad when it comes to freedom of speech. There's a reason the Westboro Baptist Church is allowed to do their thing even though the fucking KKK thinks they're too extreme.

Not to mention that silencing people does not make them go away, it only makes them victims, giving them a legitimate reason to hate.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
You have to take the good with the bad when it comes to freedom of speech. There's a reason the Westboro Baptist Church is allowed to do their thing even though the fucking KKK thinks they're too extreme.

Not to mention that silencing people does not make them go away, it only makes them victims, giving them a legitimate reason to hate.

And there's a reason you can't shout "bomb!" on an airplane, or play Marilyn Manson in a courtroom.

Anyway, you can't compare constitutional law to a private website. Private websites have the right to censor anyone they want.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
And there's a reason you can't shout "bomb!" on an airplane, or play Marilyn Manson in a courtroom.

There's a tremendous difference between the two. The first is stating an opinion- no matter how wrong everyone else thinks it is- and saying there's a bomb on an airplane is literally terrorism

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
There's a tremendous difference between the two. The first is stating an opinion- no matter how wrong everyone else thinks it is- and saying there's a bomb on an airplane is literally terrorism

It's a private website, they can tell anyone to shut up that they please.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
It's a private website, they can tell anyone to shut up that they please.

That, on the other hand, is totally true.

But banning people from your site for offhand remarks is not my idea of progress. If you want to prove someone wrong, debate them, don't cry to the administrators to get them banned. That does nothing except protect the feelings of the overly sensitive

But I'm just gonna leave this discussion, I've been treading on thin ice on this forum lately.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
Well, you're supporting thin privilege.

sorry, i don't speak that language. -_-

edit: just an FYI, the following can be done with 30 minutes and it doesn't have to be every single day:

1-200+ quick pushups
60+ curls (40 lb. dumbell) each arm, 2-3+ times each arm
10+ slow squats (while holding said dumbbell)
practicing balancing on one foot

it really isn't that hard to do basic excercises like this.i think i should probably get a new dumbbell soon actually. >.> maybe 80 lb. or more? 40 lb. has gotten pretty easy for me. :/

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
That, on the other hand, is totally true.

But banning people from your site for offhand remarks is not my idea of progress. If you want to prove someone wrong, debate them, don't cry to the administrators to get them banned. That does nothing except protect the feelings of the overly sensitive

But I'm just gonna leave this discussion, I've been treading on thin ice on this forum lately.

I think it's great. Not every website has to be 4chan-lite where people just spout stupid uneducated thoughts and intentionally try to offend people for laughs. All it does is protect the feelings of people with the mental maturity of a 13-year old boy.

Updated by anonymous

Loool what.

How does a single persons complaints get such a followed user banned?

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Sometimes it's good to censor people. Too much free speech just leads to bathroom stall wall psychology.

Bullshit. You can't sensor something just because you don't want to see it! Doxy did not draw his smut to offend anyone but yet some asshat got offended and decided that doxy shouldn't be allowed to have his own opinion about things.


Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
That, on the other hand, is totally true.

But banning people from your site for offhand remarks is not my idea of progress. If you want to prove someone wrong, debate them, don't cry to the administrators to get them banned. That does nothing except protect the feelings of the overly sensitive

But I'm just gonna leave this discussion, I've been treading on thin ice on this forum lately.

Ok just from hearing that I think it's a good idea to just stop giving tumblr attention then. I mean if they can just silence anything they don't want to hear what the point of going there to be an individual?

It's so fucking stupid.

Ozelot said:
All it does is protect the feelings of people with the mental maturity of a 13-year old boy.

Funny because what it seems like tumblr promotes is the insecure opinions of underdeveloped people who can't realize that other people have different opinions then them. That is a major part of growing up.

an artist shouldn't have to cater to what some random person whats to see. art can be raw, harsh, rude, fucking spit in your face mean and It has every right to be. If they don't like it, they can just not look at it. It's so fucking simple. Even if the subject was about racist, women beating bikers who killed babies If I didn't want to see it, I would do the simple fucking thing and just NOT LOOK AT IT!

Updated by anonymous

You know, the more I think about this the more I realize I just do not give one single fuck.

The only people crying about this are 90% people who are just butthurt because they no longer have easy access to fucking pony dick girl porn, and the other 10% is just Onta-suck-ups. And I honestly could not give a fuck less about Onta, a sell-out artist who only switched from drawing gay art ( something he actually *enjoyed* drawing ) to straight and MLP porn because he knew he could make far more money riding on the popularity of what appeals to the lowest common denominator. And no I don't really give a shit if he reads this, he's the sort of person who only cares about money and his ego, and if you aren't a popufur he doesn't give a fuck about you at all. In fact this makes him incredibly easy to manipulate, because you could shit right in his face, but if you have something he wants he would turn around and be sweet-as-pie to you. People like that are always so easy to manipulate.

Hate to say it, but the SJW tumblr people actually have the moral highground because at least they're *pretending* to give a shit about trans rights. And the older I get, the more I start to agree with them every day.

Updated by anonymous

You're gonna have to do those calculations over again because I don't fit into any of them. I'm the percentage of artist who thinks it's fucking bullshit that people think they can just sensor art. But maybe all that other stuff you said is true. I really don't know him that well. But I know that sjw douches don't know what the fucking real morality is. they only care about their own opinions and making everyone conform to them instead of having their own thoughts and making their decisions based on how their actions affect others. So fuck those guys.

Updated by anonymous

We should have a talk with E6 staff to see if they'd build a part of the site similar to Tumblr so we don't have to deal with shit tumblr admins.

Updated by anonymous

sensor = censor

Cynosure said:
We should have a talk with E6 staff to see if they'd build a part of the site similar to Tumblr so we don't have to deal with shit tumblr admins.

Blips is as close as you will get.

This shows the importance of saving art you like and backing it up to places like e6 if allowed

Updated by anonymous

Dang, that sucks... wait...
>No kemono
>No cubs
>No loli/shota
>no chibi

...And nothing of value was lost~

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Good. I'm glad to see people standing up for Trans-people's rights, unlike some people around here.

Sometimes it's good to censor people. Too much free speech just leads to bathroom stall wall psychology.

The only people crying about this are 90% people who are just butthurt because they no longer have easy access to fucking pony dick girl porn, and the other 10% is just Onta-suck-ups.

What does censoring dickgirl/herm/etc drawings have to do with trans rights again? Tumblr can suspend an account for any reason or no reason according to terms and conditions, but the user wasn't violating the community guidelines or breaching the agreement.

Users of a service can whine about a service's arbitrary actions, or better yet boycott it.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
What does censoring dickgirl/herm/etc drawings have to do with trans rights again? Tumblr can suspend an account for any reason or no reason according to terms and conditions, but the user wasn't violating the community guidelines or breaching the agreement.

Users of a service can whine about a service's arbitrary actions, or better yet boycott it.

my thoughts exactly. I was just looking for some alternatives to tumblr. This shit is ridiculous.

And to quote a great mind,
we should take our shit

and move it somewhere else

Updated by anonymous

Now this reminds me why Tumblr gets flamed on by everything.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
What does censoring dickgirl/herm/etc drawings have to do with trans rights again?

Nothing, she just gets off every time she calls someone "transphobic"

Updated by anonymous

Sadako said:
Loool what.

How does a single persons complaints get such a followed user banned?

Isn't tumblr's banning thing automated to some degree? Maybe if someone gets enough of their friends and followers to report a tumblr page, it automatically gets deleted. The Ask Princess Molestia tumblr only had 1 visible sexual act if I remember correctly(Gilda being forced to fuck Molestia with a strap-on, but it doesn't matter anyway since it breaks no rules) and didn't harass anyone, yet it still got deleted when people started spamming reports.

Updated by anonymous

futanari/herm/shemale/dickgirls. whatever they are called..

They offend me.

i'm triggered.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
futanari/herm/shemale/dickgirls. whatever they are called..

They offend me.

i'm triggered.

Your triggering triggers me... How dare you get triggered! :P

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
You know, the more I think about this the more I realize I just do not give one single fuck.

The only people crying about this are 90% people who are just butthurt because they no longer have easy access to fucking pony dick girl porn, and the other 10% is just Onta-suck-ups. And I honestly could not give a fuck less about Onta, a sell-out artist who only switched from drawing gay art ( something he actually *enjoyed* drawing ) to straight and MLP porn because he knew he could make far more money riding on the popularity of what appeals to the lowest common denominator. And no I don't really give a shit if he reads this, he's the sort of person who only cares about money and his ego, and if you aren't a popufur he doesn't give a fuck about you at all. In fact this makes him incredibly easy to manipulate, because you could shit right in his face, but if you have something he wants he would turn around and be sweet-as-pie to you. People like that are always so easy to manipulate.

The hypocrisy.
There is no choice of words to adequately describe the amount of hypocrisy in this.

It's okay to feel envious of Onta because he managed to do everything you couldn't; become popufur with a huge following while drawing simple stuff.

Ozelot said:
Hate to say it, but the SJW tumblr people actually have the moral highground because at least they're *pretending* to give a shit about trans rights. And the older I get, the more I start to agree with them every day.

You'd make a perfect SJW. You already have everything down, you get offended that someone managed to do something you couldn't, point out flaws of others while ignoring that you do the same remember that FA blurp on your profile how you only listen to people who pay you money first?, defend your stance as "morally better" when in reality it's just childish glee that someone lost something which you couldn't have in the first place.

Perfect SJW material.

Updated by anonymous

Don't like Tumblr, got a Trojan horse virus when I first visited the site :/

Updated by anonymous

I think this might be relevant

Dogenzaka said:
Isn't tumblr's banning thing automated to some degree? Maybe if someone gets enough of their friends and followers to report a tumblr page, it automatically gets deleted. The Ask Princess Molestia tumblr only had 1 visible sexual act if I remember correctly(Gilda being forced to fuck Molestia with a strap-on, but it doesn't matter anyway since it breaks no rules) and didn't harass anyone, yet it still got deleted when people started spamming reports.

Nope, tumblr staff manually goes through reports and deletes only things they find that would offend most of the community(Through specific keywords, say something is transphobic or supporting "rape" and they are more likely to delete it), but they will not remove stuff that actually is offensive but doesn't offend the majority of tumblr's SJWs(EG: "white people r dum", "males r stupd"). Their replies are canned though:


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We're checking out the content and will determine an action appropriate to our policies and procedures.

<Insert moderator name here>
Tumblr Trust and Safety


ElctrcBoogalord said:
Don't like Tumblr, got a Trojan horse virus when I first visited the site :/

That's the great part about it, a user can get a bunch of followers and become really popular, switcheroo the HTML theme with a new zero day, and then whamo you got yourself a bunch of botnetterinos.
I'm being sarcastic, but unfortunately this does happen, usually with fake login boxes though.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
The hypocrisy.
There is no choice of words to adequately describe the amount of hypocrisy in this.

It's okay to feel envious of Onta because he managed to do everything you couldn't; become popufur with a huge following while drawing simple stuff.

You'd make a perfect SJW. You already have everything down, you get offended that someone managed to do something you couldn't, point out flaws of others while ignoring that you do the same remember that FA blurp on your profile how you only listen to people who pay you money first?, defend your stance as "morally better" when in reality it's just childish glee that someone lost something which you couldn't have in the first place.

Perfect SJW material.

It's not hypocrisy if I never claimed to be any different. All anyone really cares about in this world is money and their own egos. But I never wanted to just draw a bunch of pony dick girl porn, the most boring porn there is. Even real porn is less boring than that.

It's not so much glee as I don't really care. Tumblr has the right to censor this content if they choose, and I don't care enough about boring MLP futa fucking or Onta enough to really see the issue here.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:

lots of opinions

I don't care enough about boring MLP futa fucking or Onta enough to really see the issue here.

I just explained what the issue was. A bunch of sissies that can't deal with the fact that other people don't agree with them on something and tumblr just accepts that shit. It's not just about the mlp futa or Onta it's the fucking way this whole thing went down.

Updated by anonymous

Imaderule34 said:
I just explained what the issue was. A bunch of sissies that can't deal with the fact that other people don't agree with them on something and tumblr just accepts that shit. It's not just about the mlp futa or Onta it's the fucking way this whole thing went down.

You said this at the beginning of the thread.

I will NEVER give up my love for dickgirls and neither should anyone else so please, someone tell me what the fuck went wrong!

So obviously you're just complaining because you no longer have access to your flow of porn. But you're not in charge of Tumblr, and they can block anyone they want, so your whining does nothing.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
You said this at the beginning of the thread.

So obviously you're just complaining because you no longer have access to your flow of porn. But you're not in charge of Tumblr, and they can block anyone they want, so your whining does nothing.

really? is that the only thing on MY mind? well thank you for informing me on all the thoughts in my head. Glad to know I can only focus on one thing at a time.

Yes I am upset that I can't see his stuff on tumblr but there is a bigger picture. And I made this forum not to whine like you say I am but to get an understanding on what happened. And from this I've decided to look for alternative to tumblr, so you see, this hasn't been some waste of time that will solve nothing in my life. I don't know if I can say the same to you though.

Ozelot said:
You know, the more I think about this the more I realize I just do not give one single fuck.

How you can you criticize me by saying I only have my own personal interest when you say you don't even care at all?

Seems like You shouldn't even be here if you don't give a single fuck.

Updated by anonymous

ElctrcBoogalord said:
Don't like Tumblr, got a Trojan horse virus when I first visited the site :/


Updated by anonymous

Imaderule34 said:
really? is that the only thing on MY mind? well thank you for informing me on all the thoughts in my head. Glad to know I can only focus on one thing at a time.

Yes I am upset that I can't see his stuff on tumblr but there is a bigger picture. And I made this forum not to whine like you say I am but to get an understanding on what happened. And from this I've decided to look for alternative to tumblr, so you see, this hasn't been some waste of time that will solve nothing in my life. I don't know if I can say the same to you though.

How you can you criticize me by saying I only have my own personal interest when you say you don't even care at all?

Seems like You shouldn't even be here if you don't give a single fuck.

Because I can say whatever I feel like.

Updated by anonymous

ah, Ozelot, drama seems to follow you like a magnet around here from what i've seen over time.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Because I can say whatever I feel like.

True. But I've found that people with that attitude aren't really worth listening to anyway. So yeah, later.

Updated by anonymous

Imaderule34 said:
True. But I've found that people with that attitude aren't really worth listening to anyway. So yeah, later.

So just because someone doesn't automatically agree with you, you tune them out?

And you say the SJWs are sissies who can't handle different opinions...

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
So just because someone doesn't automatically agree with you, you tune them out?

And you say the SJWs are sissies who can't handle different opinions...

He said attitude, not opinion. There's a difference

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
He said attitude, not opinion. There's a difference

Call it whatever you wish.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
He said attitude, not opinion. There's a difference

Exactly. I don't mind if the dude says whatever he wants but if he just wants to make noise then there's no real reason to listen.

Updated by anonymous

Imaderule34 said:
Exactly. I don't mind if the dude says whatever he wants but if he just wants to make noise then there's no real reason to listen.

The same could be said of you... Honestly, you're just making noise about something very minor because you can't get easy access to some porn drawn in a boring style :\

Did you really expect everyone to be up in arms about this?

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
The same could be said of you... Honestly, you're just making noise about something very minor because you can't get easy access to some porn drawn in a boring style :\

Did you really expect everyone to be up in arms about this?

I don't think his reaction was because he expected everyone to take up arms, I think his reaction was because of the fascistic "fuck free speech all hail sjw's" hypocrite attitude you exposed in this thread.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Call it whatever you wish.

Alright, I'll call it George.

The same could be said of you... Honestly, you're just making noise about something very minor because you can't get easy access to some porn drawn in a boring style :\

It all sums up to personal preference. I mean, from the few things you have on FA I can tell you like girly males, so going on with that, many people (probably including you too) would fed up if their source girly males is suddenly cut off. Even if you'd want to keep it to yourself.

But this isn't about the takedown of content, this is about the takedown of a provider because few people didn't like the content the provider gave and got things done their way, seemingly without enough proof :/

Alas, this is the internet and so it seems people have it their way and opinions are taken to one's convenience (even though, that's no excuse for lack of courtesy)

Edit: If you wanna keep talking about this with me you're welcome to pm me (I don't want another record, I just got the latest taken off)

Updated by anonymous

Thank you RioluKid

Thank you Xch3l

That's exactly what this is about. The bigger fucking picture. Tumblr is bullshit and that's why I wont be posting anything there.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
I think it's great. Not every website has to be 4chan-lite where people just spout stupid uneducated thoughts and intentionally try to offend people for laughs. All it does is protect the feelings of people with the mental maturity of a 13-year old boy.

Fuck you feelings, my rights don't end where your feelings begin.

Updated by anonymous

RioluKid said:
Fuck you feelings, my rights don't end where your feelings begin.

I somehow find it isn't a coincidence you have the word "kid" in your username.

Updated by anonymous

You people are acting like ONE tumblr being taken down is the end of porn as we know it. Aren't there a billion tumblr blogs? Not to mention e621, InkBunny, Furaffinity, and a shitload of other websites where you can find the EXACT SAME PORN?

Updated by anonymous

Procione said:
You people are acting like ONE tumblr being taken down is the end of porn as we know it. Aren't there a billion tumblr blogs? Not to mention e621, InkBunny, Furaffinity, and a shitload of other websites where you can find the EXACT SAME PORN?

It is, supposedly, more due to an attack on their notions of Freedoms of Speech; they're more offended that SJWs could attack anything and get what they want by doing what they do - being shrieking SJWs.

This is what I'm reading from it anyway.

Updated by anonymous

Actinium-89 said:

It is, supposedly, more due to an attack on their notions of Freedoms of Speech; they're more offended that SJWs could attack anything and get what they want by doing what they do - being shrieking SJWs.

This is what I'm reading from it anyway.

But people like this have always existed and have been getting what they wanted way before Tumblr and "SJW" was a thing.

It isn't anything new, and the whole internet is NOT open to unlimited freedom of speech. Even places like 4chan have mods and censorship still happens.

Updated by anonymous

It always amuses me when people criticize free speech in the name of PROTECTING trans/gay/etc rights.
Who do you think would have been silenced in the beginning if it hadn't been for free speech, the transphobes or the transsexuals? Hint: A LOT more people were in the former camp than the latter before the push got going.

Besides, using the excuse that "free speech only applies to the government" is a very weak argument anyway. If you have no avenue to express the right to free speech, then what good is it? And certain groups, such as SJWs, will actively seek out sites that allow free speech and try to ruin them. Just look at Voat: they had their host shut them down for being too "politically incorrect." Its entire purpose was to be an alternative to the biased, heavy-handed, and opaque moderation of Reddit, and the same people who brought that about pushed to destroy the alternatives as well. This is what happens when you place value on the LEGAL principle of free speech while disregarding the MORAL principle behind it.

Updated by anonymous

0mnm652 said:
It always amuses me when people criticize free speech in the name of PROTECTING trans/gay/etc rights.
Who do you think would have been silenced in the beginning if it hadn't been for free speech, the transphobes or the transsexuals? Hint: A LOT more people were in the former camp than the latter before the push got going.

So what Trans people's rights were actually violated by Doxy's tumblr being shut down?

Oh no, you can no longer easily fap to dick girl pony porn on tumblr now, that's surely a trans rights issue. Even though the people complaining probably never did shit to help trans people or stand up for them before this, lmao.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
So what Trans people's rights were actually violated by Doxy's tumblr being shut down?

Oh no, you can no longer easily fap to dick girl pony porn on tumblr now, that's surely a trans rights issue. Even though the people complaining probably never did shit to help trans people or stand up for them before this, lmao.

Wait, what? I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
I never said taking down that tumblr page violated any rights.

I was referring to your earlier statements in the thread on free speech. Specifically, the fact that you feel that "too much free speech" has harmful effects. What I'm saying is that it's crazy to take that stance while claiming to support minorities of any kind, because by nature of being a minority, YOU would be the one silenced. Nowadays, there are enough people who support trans rights that anyone who takes related content down risks large-scale condemnation. But it was only free speech that allowed support to grow so large.
It isn't that long ago that suggesting people should be allowed to get surgery to swap genders would have been considered ridiculous by nearly everyone, and treated as the "bathroom stall wall psychology" you want to avoid.

Updated by anonymous

0mnm652 said:
Wait, what? I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
I never said taking down that tumblr page violated any rights.

I was referring to your earlier statements in the thread on free speech. Specifically, the fact that you feel that "too much free speech" has harmful effects. What I'm saying is that it's crazy to take that stance while claiming to support minorities of any kind, because by nature of being a minority, YOU would be the one silenced. Nowadays, there are enough people who support trans rights that anyone who takes related content down risks large-scale condemnation. But it was only free speech that allowed support to grow so large.
It isn't that long ago that suggesting people should be allowed to get surgery to swap genders would have been considered ridiculous by nearly everyone, and treated as the "bathroom stall wall psychology" you want to avoid.

The point is the internet allows separate spaces called "websites" and not all of them need to have the concept of "free speech for all" at their core, even very large ones with broad powers of anonymity like 4chan have *some* moderation happening between the separate areas of the board for this reason.

Let's take E621 for example. Non-furry art is banned, and people who are under eighteen are banned, why? Because some form of censorship was needed to maintain a certain identity for the website.

Tumblr is absolutely no different and they can legally inhibit any speech they deem necessary.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Let's take E621 for example. Non-furry art is banned, and people who are under eighteen are banned, why?

People under 18 are banned because of the local laws where the server, and Bad-Dragon, are located.
Some people don't want to jeopardize their living with something that basic.

Updated by anonymous

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