Topic: Artist with japanese-only names

Posted under General

chubbygay550 said:
How I going to know the name of an artist with Japanese letters?

Tag "unknown_artist" and "translation_request".

Updated by anonymous

If you don't know, you can use the Japanese characters as an artist tag. It at least keeps it in one place until someone is able to recognize or transliterate it. I'd also recommend uploading it to SauceNao as this site does a pretty good job with finding sources for Japanese artists (particularly ones that have a Pixiv account).

If all else fails, unknown_artist is the way I'd go if you aren't even sure that the characters you have are actually the artist's name (it isn't uncommon to mix it up with other things, such as the title of a work or the publisher). Though it is still better to put a name on it it's still preferable to leaving it blank.

Updated by anonymous

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