The first installment is finally being re-released! Welcome to Uniting Forces! A Pokemon Unite fan-made comic, written and scripted by ActEeveety, illustrated by ShenValor! Explore the world of Unite through our protagonists, Aaron and Pippri, as they go along and join the competition to become the best! But who knows what events may stop their paths? Find out here!
All characters portrayed are of adult age in this comic. Pokemon Unite and the Pokemon depicted belong to the Pokemon Company and Nintendo. This is a fan comic intended to display story, not intended for profit. This comic is and will always be free to view.
Chapter 1: Week 2: This pool! (BEING REMADE! Thanks for the help you gave, Kelu!)
Chapter 2: Week 5: (incomplete, scriptwriting)
Chapter 3: Week 10: (incomplete, brainstorming)
Chapter 4: Halloween: (incomplete)