Series: A voyage of discovery and spice

1:1 3d_(artwork) absurd_res barely_visible_genitalia barely_visible_penis blockage_(layout) bovid bovine buruthebull cattle comic dialogue digital_media_(artwork) dragon_(maxwellshiba) english_text felid flynn_(maxwellshiba) genitals group hi_res horizontal_blockage lunjy_(maxwellshiba) male male/male mammal maxwellshiba pantherine penis penis_base scalie ship text trio vehicle watercraft
1:1 3d_(artwork) absurd_res base_two_layout blender_(artwork) bovid bovine buru_(buruthebull) buruthebull cattle comic dialogue digital_media_(artwork) dragon_(maxwellshiba) english_text felid flaccid flynn_(maxwellshiba) four_frame_grid four_frame_image genitals grid_layout group hi_res lunjy_(maxwellshiba) male male/male mammal maxwellshiba pantherine penis regular_grid_layout scalie ship text trio two_row_layout vehicle watercraft
1:1 3d_(artwork) absurd_res buruthebull comic dialogue digital_media_(artwork) dragon_(maxwellshiba) duo english_text felid flaccid flynn_(maxwellshiba) genitals group hi_res lunjy_(maxwellshiba) male male/male mammal maxwellshiba pantherine penis scalie ship text trio vehicle watercraft
1:1 3d_(artwork) absurd_res base_two_layout buruthebull comic dialogue digital_media_(artwork) dragon_(maxwellshiba) duo english_text felid flaccid flynn_(maxwellshiba) four_frame_grid four_frame_image genitals grid_layout group hi_res irregular_grid_layout lunjy_(maxwellshiba) male male/male mammal maxwellshiba pantherine penis scalie ship text trio two_row_layout vehicle watercraft
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