Collection: Studying together

Sometimes a0n bottoms too. Cannot say though that he is the submissive type...

a0n_(a0nmaster) a0nmaster absurd_res answer big_bottom big_penis bodily_noises bold_text canid canine canis dialogue different_sound_effects domestic_dog dominant dominant_male duo english_text extended_sound_effect genitals grin hi_res huge_penis hyper hyper_genitalia hyper_penis male male/male mammal nordic_sled_dog obese onomatopoeia overweight overweight_male penis power_bottom profanity rumbling_stomach samoyed small_top smile sound_effect_variant sound_effects speech_bubble spitz student stuttering t.j. talking_to_another talking_to_partner text text_emphasis
a0n_(a0nmaster) a0nmaster absurd_res anthro big_bottom bodily_noises burping canid canine canis different_sound_effects domestic_dog duo extended_sound_effect hi_res hyper male male/male mammal nordic_sled_dog obese obese_anthro obese_male onomatopoeia overweight overweight_anthro overweight_male power_bottom rumbling_stomach samoyed small_top sound_effect_variant sound_effects spitz t.j. text
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