Collection: kijetesantakalu en wug

decided to pool together my posts. is it a continuous narrative? you decide.
mi kulupu e sitelen mi. ni li toki lon nasin wan anu seme? sina sona.

the kijetesantakalu and the wug are lovers and you cannot convince me otherwise.
kijetesantakalu en waso Wug li olin. ni la toki utala sina li wawa ala.

post #4526183
post #4526260
post #4526290
post #4526304
post #4528644
post #4528684
post #4606443
post #4528723
post #4528815
post #4606440
post #4606441
post #4606442
post #4606444
post #4606446
post #4528840
post #4526311
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