Series: Qiyuan(Kylin's Fate)

CatGiovanni's fanart of Fabulous Beasts(youshouyan),which is called Qiyuan(Kylin's Fate).

This fanart was made several years ago,so its content isn't exactly match the nowadays content of the original comic.

TIPS:This artwork has been reposted here by someone without noticing to the author,and the author has never allowed others to freely repost his work,not to mention even repost his work without marking the artist's name.(When this work was first uploaded here by someone,it seems that even the author was marked wrong by uploader.)
SO,please think twice before downloading or reposting it.

post #4569462
post #4569481
post #4571275
post #4574887
post #4592067
post #4593805
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