Series: Frooby: The OOPS Delivery Service

OOPS is hiring! Looking for employees who are flexible, full of passion, and eager to serve - especially when given commands by the shadowy Overseer, who has turned all of the workers into nanite drones who behave exactly like the people they used to be! A running series of images with themes of hypnosis, transformation, corruption, and unaware lewdness, with a minor amount of body horror thrown in.

post #4136078
post #4136079
post #4136080
post #4145709
post #4634404
post #4634405
post #4634438
post #4634439
post #4952759
post #4952760
post #4952761
post #5050368
post #5050369
post #5050370
post #5117401
post #5117402
post #5117403
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