Collection: Fallen Pale Ones - After Dark

A bunch of Slightly Damned fan characters doing a bunch of horny hijinks.

Marashan "Mitten" Leapfoot is an Angel raised on Medius. She's a researcher in all things heretical and forbidden, fueled by autism and spite against Heaven. Her goal is to create hybrids of Demons and Angels, which is said to be impossible; she already made an artificial prototype, but what she wants is the real deal. So what better way to try crossbreeding than to venture into Hell and become a breeding slave to lots and lots of horny Demons?

...well, there'd be many other ways, but that's not what we're here for, is it?

Also featuring Mitten's brother Tabris, her hybrid prototype First Attempt, her Demon handler/owner/it's complicated/partner Faust, and complex interpersonal dynamics. Taking place many years after Slightly Damned canon, which we will assume didn't change the general order of things. Angels and Demons are still tense, but at least they don't kill each other on sight anymore. The black-armored Angel is still ruling over Hell, and he's also got eyes on our little researcher.

Pool order doesn't reflect in-universe chronological order. If you want all the lore and (sfw) story details, it's over there.

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