Noses. All canids have ‘em.
So when at a Heroes Awards Ceremony in and around the Royal Pools our half-Warg warrior asked for ‘the slave in her heat’, upon being offered his choice of bed slave for the night, he thought he was making the best choice. Aramis had heard tales around many an evening’s cooking stove during the war. His liege, King Alecrast, had discovered the son of his former bodyguard had not yet known woman, and so made the offer; a ribbon and medal about the neck certainly being recognition of courageous service, but Alecrast realizes other gifts might be more appreciated.
A canid bitch’s mating scent carries further on the wind than her own personal scent, and so the misunderstanding begins. A King is reluctant to withdraw offer of gift once made, especially during time of war when his solders potentially offer up their lives in service. And it is in poor taste for a subject to decline his King’s generously offered gift.
Tamara Fox is the royal pleasure slave offered up. Once she discovered who she was being given to for the night she was quite surprised; but upon learning her partner was still virgin she determined to make Aramis’s night a most pleasant entertainment. Besides, she thought it might be fun to teach her son a thing or two regarding how to pleasure a female.
Then again Tamara is half-Kitsune slave, and most Kitsune will sleep with just about anything while in season. There should really be more of the Kitsune race upon Earth, but they are rather difficult to breed. Such is not the case with Tamara, thanks to her mixed parentage.
It is July or August of 3985 C.E. Tamara has lost her horn implants (containing additional sexual glands) and so is now quite fertile. None of the participants in these events over the next twenty-four hours realize several breedings are taking place.
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