nintendo and etc created by unknown artist
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Category: Arrow Quill Pokemon
Type: Grass/Ghost
Height: 5'03"
Weight: 80.7 lbs
Ability: Overgrow

This Pokémon is able to move about while completely masking its presence from others. Once an opponent has lost sight of it, Decidueye seizes the chance to attack it unawares. In a tenth of a second, Decidueye plucks an arrow quill from within its wing and sends its hurtling toward its target. Its speed is astonishing, but not more so than its precise aim, which enables the arrow quill to pierce a target through and through from half a mile or more away! Decidueye usually acts very cool, but it can become terribly flustered in unexpected situations like a surprise attack.

A skilled Decidueye can boast acrobatic curved shots. It seems some are also able to shoot arrows that reach up through the sky, only to come drilling down from above, piercing multiple targets one after another.

Spirit Shackle is a Ghost-type physical move that only Decidueye can learn. An opponent hit with this move will become unable to flee from battle or switch out for an ally.

  • Comments
  • But WHY is it part ghost? Oh, so that it can be utterly destroyed by dark and ghost moves and lose any boost it might have had to any of it's flying moves.

    That was a dick move, gamefreak.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    But WHY is it part ghost? Oh, so that it can be utterly destroyed by dark and ghost moves and lose any boost it might have had to any of it's flying moves.

    That was a dick move, gamefreak.

    At least it doesn't have a double Ice weakness and isn't hurt so badly by Stealth Rocks.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    But WHY is it part ghost? Oh, so that it can be utterly destroyed by dark and ghost moves and lose any boost it might have had to any of it's flying moves.

    That was a dick move, gamefreak.

    Dude, grass/ghost is easily the better typing (or is at least just as good). It's better defensively and get's better coverage offensively. Also the ghost typing is meant to be a reference to how eerily stealthy it is, or that's my guess anyway.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    But WHY is it part ghost? Oh, so that it can be utterly destroyed by dark and ghost moves and lose any boost it might have had to any of it's flying moves.

    That was a dick move, gamefreak.

    All the better snipe haters with.

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  • GameManiac said:
    Hope Decidueye can still learn FLY.

    This. Screw the typing, I came into this expecting to be able to finally fly around with my grass starter, an impossibility if you pick the grass starter in ALL other generations.

    I BETTER not be forced to right a fucking charizard around if I want to fly.

    Zenace said:
    All the better snipe haters with.


    TheSilentObserver said:
    Dude, grass/ghost is easily the better typing (or is at least just as good). It's better defensively and get's better coverage offensively. Also the ghost typing is meant to be a reference to how eerily stealthy it is, or that's my guess anyway.

    I'm not doubting the type mixture is strong, I know it is as treevanant and grourgeist are total monsters. It's just that the prior two forms are part flying, so to be effective, you learn flying techniques, only for the final form to switch types on you and make you re-sort your move list.

    I mean, if it was JUST a grass type to start and became a ghost later on, it'd be easier to handle. This comes off to me as more than a little surprise.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    This. Screw the typing, I came into this expecting to be able to finally fly around with my grass starter, an impossibility if you pick the grass starter in ALL other generations.

    I BETTER not be forced to right a fucking charizard around if I want to fly.


    I'm not doubting the type mixture is strong, I know it is as treevanant and grourgeist are total monsters. It's just that the prior two forms are part flying, so to be effective, you learn flying techniques, only for the final form to switch types on you and make you re-sort your move list.

    I mean, if it was JUST a grass type to start and became a ghost later on, it'd be easier to handle. This comes off to me as more than a little surprise.

    I can understand that, but considering he was confirmed a million years before the official reveal, I'm glad gamefreak still managed to surprise us.

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  • It's Ghost because in Pokemon, Ghost is the darkness/shadow elemental type.

    Save for Darkrai and its signature move, Dark Void, the Dark type has nothing to do with literal darkness, and is more about fighting dirty.

    All of the actual darkness/shadow related moves (Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Force) are Ghost type, not Dark.

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  • I like the description, the design is amazing and ghost is one of my favorite types (along with water and steel). So, I not even need to say that already love this guy.

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  • Rad_Dudesman said:
    It's Ghost because in Pokemon, Ghost is the darkness/shadow elemental type.

    Save for Darkrai and its signature move, Dark Void, the Dark type has nothing to do with literal darkness, and is more about fighting dirty.

    All of the actual darkness/shadow related moves (Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Force) are Ghost type, not Dark.

    That would be because "Dark" is just the international name of what Japan knows as the "Evil" type. They probably changed it to avoid implications that Pokémon are bad, especially considering the flack the series was taking in the west for being demonic, and supporting the blasphemous concept of evolution.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    This. Screw the typing, I came into this expecting to be able to finally fly around with my grass starter, an impossibility if you pick the grass starter in ALL other generations.

    I BETTER not be forced to right a fucking charizard around if I want to fly.


    I'm not doubting the type mixture is strong, I know it is as treevanant and grourgeist are total monsters. It's just that the prior two forms are part flying, so to be effective, you learn flying techniques, only for the final form to switch types on you and make you re-sort your move list.

    I mean, if it was JUST a grass type to start and became a ghost later on, it'd be easier to handle. This comes off to me as more than a little surprise.

    Don't get your little heart set on that. The Ride system is Game Freak FINALLY getting rid of the outdated concept of HMs, and with how quick and simple it is, having the old HM moves do the same thing would just be pointless fluff... besides, if you prize a vaguely bird shaped silhouette picking you up and dropping you off, then... that's just kinda sad.

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  • Octobot9000 said:
    Don't get your little heart set on that. The Ride system is Game Freak FINALLY getting rid of the outdated concept of HMs, and with how quick and simple it is, having the old HM moves do the same thing would just be pointless fluff... besides, if you prize a vaguely bird shaped silhouette picking you up and dropping you off, then... that's just kinda sad.

    It's not sad. It's a trainer moving around via the power of their own partners. I would rather the ride stuff be an OPTION, not an obligation.

    Maybe I don't like charizard? Maybe I don't like the idea that pokemon trainers of literally any other region can fly with their own partner pokemon, but an alolan trainer is so bad at raising their pokemon that they have to use a rental service to go back to previously discovered areas.

    The eon flute was neat, but it still has benefits over the ride service, namely that the legendary you call is STILL your OWN partner pokemon, you just call it from the ranch.

    I like the idea that I am making progress and not that someone is letting me rent their pokemon to do stuff.

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  • Yeah, they completely got rid of HMs. Pokeride replaced them.

    The TM list was datamined. The good HM moves are TMs now.

    Fly was moved to TM76, replacing Struggle Bug.

    Surf was moved to TM94, replacing Rock Smash.

    Waterfall was moved to TM98, replacing Power-Up Punch.

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  • Octobot9000 said:
    They probably changed it to avoid implications that Pokémon are bad, especially considering the flack the series was taking in the west for being demonic, and supporting the blasphemous concept of evolution.

    The hate's worse in Islamic countries. Saudi Arabia 86'd the card game because the Normal symbol is a six-pointed star. Not a Star of David - just a six-pointed star. They claimed the card game promoted Zionism.

    Also, SMT is MUCH worse wrt religion. The whole reason SMTII has never been localised is because the endgame has you fighting YHVH (read: The Abrahamic God) Himself, and SMT uses the Jewish interpretation of Satan (i.e. as a devil's-advocate) as opposed to conflating him with Lucifer - which makes him YHVH's second-in-command. Trying to compare Pokémon to that in terms of blasphemy is going to get you caught out as being a bigot hiding behind religion to haze things you don't like to anyone who's paying attention.

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  • Rad_Dudesman said:
    Yeah, they completely got rid of HMs. Pokeride replaced them.

    The TM list was datamined. The good HM moves are TMs now.

    Fly was moved to TM76, replacing Struggle Bug.

    Surf was moved to TM94, replacing Rock Smash.

    Waterfall was moved to TM98, replacing Power-Up Punch.

    This only means that they aren't HMs now.

    I'm gonna be Pissed if I can't fly with my own pokemon anymore.

    Like, to the point of willfully handycapping my own gameplay and WALKING my ass to ever single town whenever I need to go there.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    But WHY is it part ghost? Oh, so that it can be utterly destroyed by dark and ghost moves and lose any boost it might have had to any of it's flying moves.

    That was a dick move, gamefreak.

    It has been stated that Owls are not also associated with wisdom but also death which may explain the Ghost typing.

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  • Bongani said:
    The hate's worse in Islamic countries. Saudi Arabia 86'd the card game because the Normal symbol is a six-pointed star. Not a Star of David - just a six-pointed star. They claimed the card game promoted Zionism.

    Also, SMT is MUCH worse wrt religion. The whole reason SMTII has never been localised is because the endgame has you fighting YHVH (read: The Abrahamic God) Himself, and SMT uses the Jewish interpretation of Satan (i.e. as a devil's-advocate) as opposed to conflating him with Lucifer - which makes him YHVH's second-in-command. Trying to compare Pokémon to that in terms of blasphemy is going to get you caught out as being a bigot hiding behind religion to haze things you don't like to anyone who's paying attention.

    I was just relating what I actually experienced as a kid in a heavily Christian community, didn't actually know about the Islamic reaction, thanks for the info. And I am well aware of the intricacies of SMT, been playing MegaTen for years, after wanting something more difficult than Pokémon. Now most of my favorite games ever are part of the MegaTen metaseries, but I still return to Pokémon, just for simple fun.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    It's not sad. It's a trainer moving around via the power of their own partners. I would rather the ride stuff be an OPTION, not an obligation.

    Maybe I don't like charizard? Maybe I don't like the idea that pokemon trainers of literally any other region can fly with their own partner pokemon, but an alolan trainer is so bad at raising their pokemon that they have to use a rental service to go back to previously discovered areas.

    The eon flute was neat, but it still has benefits over the ride service, namely that the legendary you call is STILL your OWN partner pokemon, you just call it from the ranch.

    I like the idea that I am making progress and not that someone is letting me rent their pokemon to do stuff.

    Or you could interpret it as a community of humans actually relying on each-other, and being a community. In the Pokémon world, there would exit designated Pokémon who are trained to perform a service, and make it so humans don't all have to train a Pokémon to perform that service themselves. The Ride system may be designed for non-trainers, but everyone would use it because it only makes logical sense.

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  • LightningLazer said:
    It has been stated that Owls are not also associated with wisdom but also death which may explain the Ghost typing.

    I'm not asking about the mythos, but rather the mindset of force shifting it's secondary type. no other starter does this and it's quite perplexing.

    Octobot9000 said:
    Or you could interpret it as a community of humans actually relying on each-other, and being a community. In the Pokémon world, there would exit designated Pokémon who are trained to perform a service, and make it so humans don't all have to train a Pokémon to perform that service themselves. The Ride system may be designed for non-trainers, but everyone would use it because it only makes logical sense.

    The problem is only if it becomes MANDATORY that we have to use these services. If so, it means this trainer is the LEAST capable of all generations in training their pokemon.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    I'm not asking about the mythos, but rather the mindset of force shifting it's secondary type. no other starter does this and it's quite perplexing.

    The problem is only if it becomes MANDATORY that we have to use these services. If so, it means this trainer is the LEAST capable of all generations in training their pokemon.

    No. It doesn't. At all. It just means that the community behind that trainer is sensible, and has a method for people to get around without forcing them to have a specific type of Pokémon, and the trainer in question is also sensible in taking advantage of this. You're focusing on how not training your own Pokémon specifically for a trivial task somehow makes you a worse trainer, instead of the fact that this opens up your team immensely. Before you HAD to have a Pokémon that could fly, one that could surf, one to smash rocks, either putting some less than useful moves on the Pokémon you want, getting one JUST to use HMs and taking up a space n your team, or going back to the PC any time you need to get somewhere. IF that comes at the cost of not being able to fly or surf with the Pokémon on your team, that's just fine.

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  • Octobot9000 said:
    No. It doesn't. At all. It just means that the community behind that trainer is sensible, and has a method for people to get around without forcing them to have a specific type of Pokémon, and the trainer in question is also sensible in taking advantage of this. You're focusing on how not training your own Pokémon specifically for a trivial task somehow makes you a worse trainer, instead of the fact that this opens up your team immensely. Before you HAD to have a Pokémon that could fly, one that could surf, one to smash rocks, either putting some less than useful moves on the Pokémon you want, getting one JUST to use HMs and taking up a space n your team, or going back to the PC any time you need to get somewhere. IF that comes at the cost of not being able to fly or surf with the Pokémon on your team, that's just fine.

    Hoo boy.

    Various forms of transport are present in all the pokemon games. Why am I not complaining about them?

    Because they are out of your trainer's jurisdiction.

    Your character is a pokemon trainer, to train the best pokemon ever, to have a team that can do anything. This has always been the case. The implementing of the abilities to manipulate the environment, most of all being surfing and flying, are to showcase how you are cutting forward and embarking on a new journey into unconquered lands and areas. That is the whole "filling out the pokedex" bit there.

    A rental pokemon for surfing, flying, or as a bike replacement show that someone else is already there. There is no exploring, you're not cutting any new ground, you're not making new discoveries. You had a pokemon with surf because you might need to cross a river/lake/small sea that NO ONE HAS MAPPED/EXPLORED. You had a pokemon with fly to bail you out of a tight situation and patch your team up.

    When you get to the "end game" you are talking about, you won't need a flying pokemon anyway because you'll be camped by the breeder/battle tower/frontier/house of flapjacks and you make that team devoid of surf, strength, cut, fly, etc, so I don't see why you are glad that a backbone element showcasing the bonding of trainer with his pokemon has been removed for the equivalent of a bus pass.

    The reason the pokedex is empty is because many of these pokemon are in areas too remote for a professor to reach. Are we to believe NOW that these pokemon were within ease of reach the whole time but ALL the prior trainers and the professor are too much of a lazy sack of shit to be bothered to categorize them?

    And I don't know what you're talking about, I always had good use with my HM moves. My Diggersby especially was destructive with cut, rock smash, strength and earthquake cut a swath through the E4 and my Aerodactyle was an effective fighter since I regenerated her from amber.

    It's called "thinking on your feet" and making uses of what you have at the moment. You are not in a sterile combat room, you're lost in the mountains, or in a dank cave, or in some other hostile place and no one is coming to help you.

    Just you and your pokemon.

    Except now where there is no mystery, no dangerous place, nothing to worry about because everyone is everywhere and the rental services are there, ready to bail you out of any situation you might be in because you're too feeble to be able to do so yourself.

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  • I, for one, sorta wished tgat they'd have pokeride function via hm. I mean, don't you wanna ride around on your own pokemon?

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  • Manyfetishes said:
    I, for one, sorta wished tgat they'd have pokeride function via hm. I mean, don't you wanna ride around on your own pokemon?

    Even the eon flute still summoned YOUR pokemon. Why not do that for fly in general where you call out a flying pokemon from your box to give you a ride?

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  • Decidueye is actually Grass/Ghost because it's based on the stilt owl. While stilt owls were originally native to Hawaii, they're all extinct and have been for about a thousand years.

    Not long enough to put it into the Fossil category, but still extinct.

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  • Duracell said:
    Decidueye is actually Grass/Ghost because it's based on the stilt owl. While stilt owls were originally native to Hawaii, they're all extinct and have been for about a thousand years.

    Not long enough to put it into the Fossil category, but still extinct.

    And reasoned to have been killed due to the introduction of pigs and rats to the island, along with general deforestation.

    Shame as there were only 4 species of "true" owls and all 4 were exterminated by humans.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    And reasoned to have been killed due to the introduction of pigs and rats to the island, along with general deforestation.

    Shame as there were only 4 species of "true" owls and all 4 were exterminated by humans.

    Stilt-owls weren't a species, they were a genus that contained four species.

    There are still around 189 living species of "true owls".

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  • Rad_Dudesman said:
    Stilt-owls weren't a species, they were a genus that contained four species.

    There are still around 189 living species of "true owls".

    Strange, it's classifying them as Barn Owls with true owls being wiped out... got a more reliable source for browsing outside of wikipedia?

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