fan character, prilly, and tits (nintendo and etc) created by lysergide

Artist Description:

Political views below the break

I feel like I might be a little late with this comic, but I was unable to draw it last night and this morning. The results of this election made me physically sick, and I need to vent my feelings about it before the end of the day or I’ll probably just get worse.
Let me start by saying I don’t think porn and politics mix very well, and I’m not going to make you guys read more about this if you don’t want to.
I don’t talk about myself a lot on here for personal reasons. I keep my online presence and my real life pretty separate, but I feel like I need to reveal a little more about myself so you know where I’m coming from here.
Half of my family is from the middle east, my father is a foreign born Muslim, I have a middle-eastern name, and I grew up going to an Islamic school. (I am not religious now) I also have views on sexuality that are pretty far from the mainstream, and I prefer not to identify as either male or female.
And today in America, my home, that I love, I feel less safe. The wave of hatred and fear in this country has swelled to terrifying new levels; and it feels like we are one angry speech away from a path to genocide.
But that is not going to happen. I still have faith in the people of America to be kind to one another, and respect each other’s differences. We are all in this together. We are all Americans. This country belongs to you and me just as much as it does to them.
So if you’re sick like I am right now, and it feels like half of America is ready to sign your death warrant because you aren’t white enough, or christian enough, or straight enough, or male enough, don’t despair. This is a temporary setback on our road to progress in this country. All we have to do is stay the course. Keep being you. Keep loving each other. We will get there. An america for all of us can and will exist.
Just don’t give into fear. Fear is what got us here in the first place. Take a deep breath. Nothing is over. The two of us are still alive. And we will keep fighting.
So laugh if you can. Cry if you must. But this is our reality now. When things are this bad the only thing you can do is laugh and keep going. And take it from me, someone who lived through the Bush administration, laughter is the best medicine.

  • Comments
  • Did someone really use their *pokeporn* characters to express their *political* opinion? This post has transcended beyond Chris-Chan levels of cringe, absolutely amazing.

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  • BismuthGalaxy said:
    But doesn't it bother you that he's cozying up to them?

    And what about all the other stuff he himself has said and done that demeans minorities? Is that "Just to get the support of bigots?"

    I would like to turn you towards one of our other presidents that basicly did the same thing.. Linden B Johnson aside for now being remembered more as a supporter of Civil rights, he was actually against Minorities and womens rights and a bit of a racist bigot. the more you know~

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  • MKB said:
    Not to mention the surge of racist attacks that happened literally hours after he won.

    Are you talking about the footage of blacks beating a white man and stealing his car because he voted Trump? It's all over reddit if you don't believe me.

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  • dudewholovesyiff said:
    Take a moment to think of what you've just said. Seriously.

    But this is a porn site. Not a place for politics. Admins tend to frown upon political discussions in the comment sections.

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    (basically what I read in the comments here)

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  • HypnoBitch said:
    But this is a porn site. Not a place for politics. Admins tend to frown upon political discussions in the comment sections.

    But this is a political comic.

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  • Ermahgerd, Trump is president. Big deal. If he, at any point, ever actually said what half the whiners think he said, he wouldn't even have been allowed to run. Trump seeks to only deport ILLEGAL Immigrants, not all. I'm fairly certain he never said he wanted to stop all immigrants from coming in, just less open borders. People act like it's the end of the world because Trump is president. Personally, I think he's gonna be a hell of a lot better than Hillary, who committed several crimes over the course of this election, and people still wanted her to be in charge of America?

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  • Personally, im more concerned on how we got these two if they're both SO BAD, as what people are saying now.
    I feel like saying this was a bad idea...

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  • I'm losing a lot of respect for artists who are doing this kind of stuff, when will they realize that doing this doesn't help in any way?

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  • i'd say we ended up with the lesser of the 2 evils. and yet, that's not good enough for some people. some wanted it to go all the way and beyond obama lvls of crap by supporting the worst of the 2 evils.

    as for me, i'm just glad i don't have to worry for my life due to an open-door immigration policy (*points to germany* need i say more?) anymore. unless trump turns around and pulls that on us anyway.

    i wonder how many parents (hillary) kicked out their children (trump) for having different opinions on politics.

    overall though, this election year (still don't know why the idiot mainstream media call it an election "season") was nothing but a huge mess and a joke at best. oh and a meme war (can you possibly be more idiotic? seriously...) at some point near the end.

    *waits to see how long before an admin ends this discussion* it'll happen sooner or later as this topic isn't usually allowed to go on for long. (in fact, this comment might just kill it)

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  • treos said:

    I can only ask why you thought trying to start things up again was a good idea.

    Just please cool it.

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  • BismuthGalaxy said:
    Anyways, enjoy your "victory," seeing as Hillary's popular vote margin was over 600,000 (almost as many active posts on this entire site.)

    until you realize that trump was winning the popular vote with all states and 40% of californas votes added up. only when the remaining 60% of cali's votes were added up, was hillary winning the popular vote.
    which is exactly the reason we dont use the popular vote.

    so yes, I'll enjoy my "victory", because right not the GOP has control of POTUS, SCOTUS, and COTUS. victory indeed!

    BismuthGalaxy said:
    Incredible! By your thoughtful and masterful use of the word "libshit," you have utterly defeated every argument against you!

    Incredible! I didnt realize I was in a some sort of debate with that comment! I just wanted to share my excitment over how buttblasted you are!

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  • BismuthGalaxy said:
    >I don't like Californians
    >Californians's votes should be worth less than others

    Are you even listening to yourself? Does the phrase "but some are more equal than others." ring a bell?

    Where on earth did you come to that conclusion?

    I was referring to why the popular vote is in many cases, fucking useless to care about in most elections.

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  • BismuthGalaxy said:
    Then what exactly did you mean? Are you saying that the popular vote is useless, or should be useless?

    Your comments came off to me as the latter, which is where I drew the "less than others" concept from. In a popular vote system, 1 vote is 1 vote, while with the electoral college, a vote in some states is effectively worth twice as much as in others, which is inherently unfair.

    Both of you need to stop, because it's going nowhere. I don't care how triggered both of you are right now. THIS IS A COMMENT SECTION ON A PORN SITE. NOT A DEBATE. THIS AIN'T FOR POLITICS. Now stop or I'll bring a mod in here.

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  • Not going to lie, I genuinely thought this was supposed to be satire until I read the description.

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  • Everyone's missed the author's point.
    The pokemon are everyone overreacting of Trump's victory - leftists, and Hillary supporters. Otherwise, why wouldn't lysergide slam his keyboard with insults and hate of Trump?

    He's being stoic and accepting of the result (unlike many people), and keeping a calm demeanor. Neutrality in hopes that it's not as bad as people think, and even so the US has had worse.

    tl:dr, half the commenters are taking it at face value. And should get back to fapping at other stuff.

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  • BismuthGalaxy said:

    This changes nothing. That was then. This is now. It was wrong then. It is wrong now.

    What a world to be downvoted for saying "People probably shouldn't be racists." *Sigh*

    What a world where racist liberals call non-racists racist.

    Oh and I'm pretty sure political topics are off-limits IIRC, so enjoy this while it lasts op.

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  • dudewholovesyiff said:
    Take a moment to think of what you've just said. Seriously.

    To be honest with all of the comments on this post your's is the only one I can take seriously. Amongst all this hate and arguing I would like to award you the highest honor I can bestow. +1 internet.

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  • I don't think Trump being president is going to effect how this guy draws animals fucking.
    This is just the reactionary conditioning the media and the regressive left instill into impressionable folk.

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  • BurningNinjaz said:
    Personally, im more concerned on how we got these two if they're both SO BAD, as what people are saying now.
    I feel like saying this was a bad idea...

    Well, Hillary and the DNC rigged the voting polls against Bernie, and it was either Trump or Ted Cruz who brought a guy who called for execution of gays in one of his speeches

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  • Who else saw the first panel, looked at how the computer (or television) said 'PONY', and thought that they were getting shocked at some twisted horse porn?

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  • I thought her job was drawing porn.
    Plus like the only ones that have a reason to panic are the illegals.

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  • Oh nevermind, I definitely must've been seeing things.

    DahRavager said:
    What a world where racist liberals call non-racists racist.

    Oh and I'm pretty sure political topics are off-limits IIRC, so enjoy this while it lasts op.

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  • Seriously though, if this could be removed for, maybe stirring the shitpot, that would be great. I would rather not remember that aparently one of my favorite artists is a brainwashed SJW

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  • I've yet to see any stories in the media about 'this brown person was attacked because trump'. And I'm sure they're looking really hard for it. I don't think you have much to worry about.. but you know, if you love anxiety and living a shittier life all around, be afraid of what could happen all the time. I'm pretty sure that's the key to dying young.. from someone who knows what its like, it certainly feels like you're dying all the time when you can't stop being afraid.

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  • Animal_Dicks said:
    Are you talking about the footage of blacks beating a white man and stealing his car because he voted Trump? It's all over reddit if you don't believe me.

    Not sure why you got downvoted for this comment. Because its true. As a black guy I'm pretty disgusted by it. Completely shameful. Plus the fact that these supposed racist "attacks" by Trump supporters are turning out to be hoaxes created by the "victims". Like for example the guy who burned down a church with vote Trump sprayed on the side of it. Turned out he was part of the congregation.

    PrinceBitterbatter said:
    I don't think Trump being president is going to effect how this guy draws animals fucking.
    This is just the reactionary conditioning the media and the regressive left instill into impressionable folk.

    You got it. Much ado over nothing. God forbid we have a president who wants jobs back in the country and proper immigration control.

    Adicius said:

    Plus like the only ones that have a reason to panic are the illegals.

    Odd how some people still don't understand that.

    MarathonMan said:
    inb4 nuclear war.

    Actually hillary said she wanted retaliation up to and including military action against Russia. She even touted the nuclear strike times on live tv. Trump has wanted to deescalate the conflicts we've been in from the beginning. The shoe is really on the better foot here for us in that regard.

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  • Not even going to bother reading all the comments, just going to say. Grow up everyone, quit ya bitchin, quit ya whining. This is reality, my reality, your reality, our reality. Instead of throwing a damn fit about who became president, do what your entire ideal tells you to do, be inclusive, work together to come up with solutions. Dont bitch whine moan and worry about what you cant control. If you dont like something he said or something he did, thats fine, you are entitled to your opinion just as he is entitled to his own opinion, but stop being a damn worry wart and just live your life. You arent going to be demonized for how u look, how you act, your sexuality, etc. If we, the furry community, havent been wiped off the face of the earth yet, what makes you think that your entire way of life will be hunted down and eradicated just like in the middle east? This isnt the middle east, this is America.

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  • is trump the person that i want sitting at the white house? Not at all. He's certainly not the candidate i wanted as president, but looking at the others: One's a bible thumper, one looks like he has both legs and an arm in the coffin already, and one is a political crook. also, if you're worried about being deported because you're an immigrant, then you obviously slipped past a couple lines coming here to the US. Also, it will ultimately be for the better if the jobs come back here as there are too many unemployed people as it is. Granted they will be the menial jobs that no one else really want to do, but it's either that or live in a box for the rest of your life.

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  • I'll be honest, I don't like it when any artist I like inserts politics into their work. Too many artists end up letting their political ideals get in the way of their art.

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  • Paint_Roller said:
    "I prefer not to identify as either male or female." can you get any worse than that? Lmao this is cancer

    Exactly what I was thinking, minus the cancer part. There's only two genders, and you deem yourself one or the other based on what bodily parts you have.

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  • Steel_Warrior said:
    Exactly what I was thinking, minus the cancer part. There's only two genders, and you deem yourself one or the other based on what bodily parts you have.

    I like you already lmao

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  • pussy_eevee said:
    I know, but why is prilly worried about her job?

    Didn't you read the previous comic in this pool? Prilly writes political reviews for the Pokequirer for a living. Which means that now, she has to write reviews on every shit decision Trump makes in office.

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  • Did Rusty get blocked for supporting Trump or did he do something on another comment section? Also Serena, you're a horrible person as if your gf's friend.

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  • Good god seems like ages ago this cringe was uploaded. Come to think of it, shouldn't it have been taken down by now.

    You can't just add boobs to your politic trash and call it porn.

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  • I was happily fapping to this pool of images of Tits and Prilly. Thanks for killing my boner with politics, Lyser.

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  • "Half of my family is Muslim"

    I wonder what they do to people that draw furry porn in 3rd world Islamic countries.

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  • TyrReptar said:
    I was happily fapping to this pool of images of Tits and Prilly. Thanks for killing my boner with politics, Lyser.

    No offense or anything but you could just click away. Or blacklist 'lol comments', 'politics', etc.

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  • SerenaUmbreon said:
    My girlfriends friend has a plan to kill the pussy grabbing oompaloompa. I will worship her when she suceeds.

    So you get the genius idea to spread your edgy terrorist act idea (because you didn't get your way) on the internet giving you and your friends away.

    You do realize someone can report you right now and you'll be on a watch list, right?

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  • BismuthGalaxy said:
    I feel for you and your friend. Never give up hope, and we can slog through this together.

    I also find it telling that most of these comments on either side are downvoted. Extreme negativity much?

    My friend thanks you, but I personally never said my standpoint on the matter. My standpoint is that politics can stop poisoning our porn now that the election is over.

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  • Adicius said:
    So you get the genius idea to spread your edgy terrorist act idea (because you didn't get your way) on the internet giving you and your friends away.

    You do realize someone can report you right now and you'll be on a watch list, right?

    Did you read my comment. Its not my idea nor am I involved nor do I want to be. Its my girlfriends crazy friend, that is "planning" I doubt they even have an idea on how to kill trump

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  • SerenaUmbreon said:

    Did you read my comment. Its not my idea nor am I involved nor do I want to be. Its my girlfriends crazy friend, that is "planning" I doubt they even have an idea on how to kill trump

    Yes but you knowing, and sharing is you being an part of it. Plus the "I will worship her" bit ain't helping. Just hope that no one has report you sharing a possible terrorist attack. Best thing to do is to hope no one takes you or your friends seriously

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  • ...can't help but notice the word "white", is within all those insulting words. Lyzer, I don't know if you mean it as an insult or whatever, but that feels pretty racist.

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  • I'm Mexican and I can fully say that Trump is great for the White House.

    But more importantly, you just used a furry porn website to share a political opinion. One that's usually scoffed at as easily dismissed by facts no less.

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  • Using porn to talk about politics is as serious as a fat man in a tutu that also wears a mickey mouse hat while trying to say an important speech.

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  • Honestly it wouldn't make sense for Trump of all people to take down porn sites, so even if this is an actual thing talked about in government it's moat likely Pence' s idea, however he's only a vice and thus can't really do much of anything about it.

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  • I just wish this person was less ignorant of real facts about what Donald trump will do and not what he heard on a YouTube comment section.

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  • Sooo.... He's not even through a full year of his first term, has the conservatives calling for war with North Korea, Bankrupting the country with his healthcare tax breaks, killing people with said breaks, and can't make up his mind on the wall... And he hasn't even been in office a full year. He just walked into the oval office and lit the drapes on fire...

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  • I imagine the only reason this artist "job" would get harder is that its tapping into that sweet sweet social security money. The life of a starving artist can only get so easy when you don't have to try to do anything.

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  • lololol66 said:
    This DOES beg the question of what Prilly's job is, especially knowing what Tits' job is.

    I believe she's a political journalist. Could be wrong, though, since it's been a while since I've read through this.

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  • looks at downvotes on post
    reads comments
    looks at all the downvotes on this comment

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  • This is one of the most cancerous things i've ever seen in my life. Then again this person's art and comics are also cancerous, soooo...

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  • Tomatot said:
    And when the dust cleared, everyone realized that the world was still turning. Imagine that.

    You said that like it's an accomplishment somehow.

    That is depressing on like, a dozen levels.

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  • BismuthGalaxy said:

    This changes nothing. That was then. This is now. It was wrong then. It is wrong now.

    What a world to be downvoted for saying "People probably shouldn't be racists." *Sigh*

    I’m so relieved that I could actually find a comment that gets upvoted and I agree with!

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  • I am very surprised by the political views of the furry porn community. Most seem to be very middle, even with a hint of right. Fascinating.

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  • Roller said:
    We live in a society.

    Trimp is bad

    Feed me the downvotes, you heathens I live for them.

    Trump* President Trump.

    *It’s Probably for the best i don’t say anything about this particular subject.

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  • Depot said:
    Did someone really use their *pokeporn* characters to express their *political* opinion? This post has transcended beyond Chris-Chan levels of cringe, absolutely amazing.

    I know right?!, this is absolute insanity.

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  • Roller said:
    We live in a society.

    Trimp is bad

    Feed me the downvotes, you heathens I live for them.

    Just because you said so I'm gonna do the opposit.

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  • I'm sure now that everything has blown over that we can all agree that trump should not have been president, and not should Kanye be for 2020.

    *-500 score*

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  • DracosBlackwing said:

    (basically what I read in the comments here)

    Drlelol said:
    But this is a political comic.

    Huffn said:
    this comment section has turned into a warzone...

    ToxxicV said:
    * You see a group of people arguing in a comment section. They seem to be getting nowhere with this.

    Tell them to "cool it"

    * You tell them to "cool it." They don't seem to notice and carry on with their day.

    DahRavager said:
    What a world where racist liberals call non-racists racist.

    Oh and I'm pretty sure political topics are off-limits IIRC, so enjoy this while it lasts op.

    FrostLynx said:
    I'm Mexican and I can fully say that Trump is great for the White House.

    But more importantly, you just used a furry porn website to share a political opinion. One that's usually scoffed at as easily dismissed by facts no less.

    Echothewolf said:
    It's like people just kinda ignored your presence here.

    Abyss_the_absol said:
    This comment section makes me sick

    Nezumi said:

    Oh, yes, quite absurd. I mean, there's no way such could be a significant part of history...

    I respect their tenacity and honesty

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  • TherIncognitoWeb said:
    I respect their tenacity and honesty

    Holy shit, they're still going?

    Now I understand why people can close comments on YouTube videos. This is definitely something.

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  • FurryMcFuzzball said:
    Seriously though, if this could be removed for, maybe stirring the shitpot, that would be great. I would rather not remember that aparently one of my favorite artists is a brainwashed SJW


    Echothewolf said:
    Holy shit, they're still going?

    Now I understand why people can close comments on YouTube videos. This is definitely something.

    You know the old meme, "The ride mever ends!" *Insert terrified skeleton head picture here*

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  • cloudyy said:
    Did someone really use their *pokeporn* characters to express their *political* opinion? This post has transcended beyond Chris-Chan levels of cringe, absolutely amazing.

    Comic artists use comics to express their political beliefs all the time


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  • Thebestdoe said:
    Comic artists use comics to express their political beliefs all the time


    Yeah, and it's always super obnoxious and ages poorly.

    Anyway, I love going back to this image every year much like how I love to go back to Anthony Fantano's Stoney review to hear the melon say "Post Malone’s debut album just confirms that he will stay a one hit wonder".

    See y'all next year! Shit'll be fun!

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  • thundermountain said:
    I am very surprised by the political views of the furry porn community. Most seem to be very middle, even with a hint of right. Fascinating.

    Scorning the bourgeois should not be a prerequisite for enjoying furry porn.

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  • oniom said:
    why is half of this comment section racist

    you know how the furry fandom be sometimes

    evidence: that guy who wears a confederate flag fursuit

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  • flooferfloofy said:
    SJWs honestly sicken me

    Look what they did the Star Wars and Ghostbusters and star trek and doctor who. But I'm especially pissed off by them because my 1st encounter with an SJW was this stupid B*TCH called pinkie pony that got princess molestia taken down off tumblr.

    Ruined all our fun because she was butt hurt no one wanted porn drawing from her.

    thetundraterror said:
    Yeah, and it's always super obnoxious and ages poorly.

    Anyway, I love going back to this image every year much like how I love to go back to Anthony Fantano's Stoney review to hear the melon say "Post Malone’s debut album just confirms that he will stay a one hit wonder".

    See y'all next year! Shit'll be fun!

    The salt must flow, I must feed on delicious salt.

    no_one_in_particular said:
    Oh it will be just dandy. Do you think there is gonna be a comic for 2020? Boy howdy, I hope!

    Yeah, that is looking more and more likely to happen. I just wish this guy would get on with the comic however. I need more naked shenanigans.

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  • partypenguin78 said:
    I just wanted to see the artist, but then I encountered this fucking novel you call a comments section.

    You think this bad you should check out Twitter or YouTube comments, Seriously it's getting completely wacky out there and not in the fun way.

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  • Welp these comments are certainly delightful to read and haven't aged poorly in the slightest. I'm really proud of this community for their ability to put aside their differences and get along in the face of legitimate turmoil and crisis. I'm sure the rest of the world would be put to shame by this display, and furries would actually have a good reputation and will have their work and opinions taken seriously instead of only being known for and expected to only care about things related to lewd stuff. In fact this is so awe inspiring I need to throw up, not for any sort of disgust or anything silly like that, but because my body physically cannot take being in the presence of something so magnificent all stemming from an important and deeply powerful comic that I'm sure drastically impacts the reader's lives in ways that can't be undone.

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  • When a Furry Porn site is a comparable demographic to the Political landscape of the American population...

    Still, if people read the description they would've realized Lysergide is practically an embodiment of the people being demonized by Mr. Trump's supporters almost to the point of racial cleansing - and an extremely tempting target for everyone around them who has even the slightest hint of Racial Intolerance. This comic was just to vent their own fear and anger about what they were likely going to go through over the next four years - if she even survives that long.

    Of course we know she has, but as an American it definitely wasn't easy...

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  • fillycheesesteak said:
    Oof, this comment section has not aged well 4 years later.

    Y'know, with a combo of people hating the post because of anti-trump, being entitled enough to pretend that they can gatekeep all content on a site they don't pay for, and dismissing the election as a dumb meme that has no effect on current standings, in hindsight, I am speechless.

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  • Lol this was certainly something back in the day. It was certainly a different time and everyone is entitled to their opinions, but ya know... When I want good political commentary, I come here to see a comic with pokemon porn for it.

    I'm surprised lyser hasn't deleted this because with it being 5 years later... Kinda pointless and cringe

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  • asymetricalwindows said:
    well he did try to abolish democracy by proclaiming himself the winner of an election he lost

    No, all he said was "we foumd some voter fraud, we need to see if there's more", something literally all rational people would say

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  • It’s interesting how different the comments section for this image is here compared to the original FurAffinity posting.

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