mythology created by demeterservant
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Story: The Legend of The Black Dragon and Onyx

Once upon a time there was a pure unicorn whom lived deep within her forest protecting all who lived there. She was young and wild, imperious even and her sisters often encouraged her to try and find serenity more often.

A evil snake slithered through her forest one day, leaving poison in the water and biting many of the innocent creatures who lived there. Furiously the unicorn faced down the serpent and with her pointed horn she killed him. But the damage had been done and even her purity could not heal the bites nor chase the taint from the waters.

Unable to accept her forest was doomed and move on to another, she sought the wisdom of an ancient harpy who lived in the mountains. In exchange for a drop of the unicorn's blood the harpy told her that only a black dragon's scales could undo the dark magic the snake had wrought.

Ancient and powerful, black dragons were the shadow to a unicorn's light. Only her pure horn could harm such a dragon, and many of her elder sisters had slain such foul beasts. But then, many of her sisters had also died by them. Terrified but again too stubborn to back down, the unicorn made her way to the lair of the only black dragon she knew of.

Standing against him she told the black dragon her tale and bid him to give up the scales willingly, lest they battle.

The dragon was greatly amused; the young unicorn was foolish to dare step into his lair with ridiculous demands. Unicorns twice her age and strength had fallen to him. But as he looked down on her a devious plan was born and so the dragon bid the unicorn to make a boon with him. In exchange for his scales freely given she too would freely give to him one day.

The relief that flooded the unicorn clouded her judgment and she quickly agreed to the boon, not seeing her own folly.

Happily she returned to her forest and with the dragon's scales she healed the forest and it inhabitants.

For many seasons the unicorn was content and she grew into a strong wise female with a great forest that pulsed with life.

It was then that the dragon called to her, reminded her of her long ago made boon. Unable to break her word the unicorn returned to his lair and there the dragon reveled his intentions.

For his boon he wished for the unicorn to give him children, a life created for each life saved. The unicorn could not deny the boon and wept, unwilling to steal others children. The dragon, ever devious, kindly bid her then, to instead, lay with him. So that she could bare the children he sought. Ever the ancient and far wiser he wheedled the female, promising that she could know her young too, that they would raise between them happy little ones.

Unable to see another way to honor her boon, she agreed and so the dragon and unicorn took on forms similar to one another to mate. In the dirt of his lair the dragon took her virtue, her pure coat fading into a dull grey with each thrust of his hips. Over and over the dragon sought her out, touched and caressed her body. While he could have been vicious, could have made her scream in agony he instead used the lightest of touches, the gentlest of motions to coax the female until she became willing and welcoming.

Each day the dragon taught the unicorn, she learned to want, to hunger for herself for the first time and each day her coat faded darker.

Many years after, legends became known of the black dragon and his onyx unicorn, their twisted forest full of danger and the labyrinth of a mountain lair that none who entered ever left. But more so the many children they had, powerful dark beings who could not be slain by the purity of a unicorns' horn, for their mother had given them immunity.

I could seriously keep going but I'll cut it off there, this one got away in length, sorry! O:

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