amy rose (sonic the hedgehog (series) and etc) created by apostle and third-party edit
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  • You.... I mean You... Ugh I cannot find a word worthy of defining what you are. It's an insult to use anything but a worthy level of praise, I am unable to find one.

    I will just say, YOU ARE AWESOME ON AN EPIC LEVEL.

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  • Neomaniak said:
    Thank God i saved this before it got deleted.


    There's an ancient /b/ joke in there somewhere...

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  • As beautiful as it is, did anyone besides me notice the anatomical error in this piece? There is a distinct hole above his cock, and no, I don't mean her ass! The clit and urethra should be anatomically under the cock from this angle, not above it, so what is that small hole right above his dick? Unless he's fucking her in the urethra, I think I've spotted a goof. Again, the pic is beautiful, but the artist seems to have made a major anatomical mistake... Live and learn I guess.

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  • cophreak said:
    As beautiful as it is, did anyone besides me notice the anatomical error in this piece? There is a distinct hole above his cock, and no, I don't mean her ass! The clit and urethra should be anatomically under the cock from this angle, not above it, so what is that small hole right above his dick? Unless he's fucking her in the urethra, I think I've spotted a goof. Again, the pic is beautiful, but the artist seems to have made a major anatomical mistake... Live and learn I guess.

    God damn it and now I can't ignore it because of you, hahaha

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  • cophreak said:
    As beautiful as it is, did anyone besides me notice the anatomical error in this piece? There is a distinct hole above his cock, and no, I don't mean her ass! The clit and urethra should be anatomically under the cock from this angle, not above it, so what is that small hole right above his dick? Unless he's fucking her in the urethra, I think I've spotted a goof. Again, the pic is beautiful, but the artist seems to have made a major anatomical mistake... Live and learn I guess.

    It's not a hole; it's just a small fold of skin at her entrance. Maybe her labia?

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  • cophreak said:
    As beautiful as it is, did anyone besides me notice the anatomical error in this piece? There is a distinct hole above his cock, and no, I don't mean her ass! The clit and urethra should be anatomically under the cock from this angle, not above it, so what is that small hole right above his dick? Unless he's fucking her in the urethra, I think I've spotted a goof. Again, the pic is beautiful, but the artist seems to have made a major anatomical mistake... Live and learn I guess.

    Sure do get upset over such a small thing.

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  • Wolfate said:
    Sure do get upset over such a small thing.

    well, if they're going to go to the trouble of putting that much detail, why put it the wrong way?

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  • cophreak said:
    As beautiful as it is, did anyone besides me notice the anatomical error in this piece? There is a distinct hole above his cock, and no, I don't mean her ass! The clit and urethra should be anatomically under the cock from this angle, not above it, so what is that small hole right above his dick? Unless he's fucking her in the urethra, I think I've spotted a goof. Again, the pic is beautiful, but the artist seems to have made a major anatomical mistake... Live and learn I guess.

    in all my years of looking at that photo I never noticed that!

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