Title: Request #2 - Aracuan Bukkake
Took forever between my last art post and this one. A mixture of art block, full-time work, and wanting a better user interface to draw on than the one I had already. So I made quite the push to get this finished over the weekend.
And outside of there being several spots where I could've done a better job, in my opinion, this turned out quite well once the color and shading was added.
Definitely one of the most obscure images I've drawn. And I'm half Mexican, so I had to draw it. XD
Request drawn for MadBum MadBum
Characters pictured belong to Disney.
Oh, and I probably won't accept requests because I wouldn't have the time to finish them. You can offer me suggestions and I'll consider them in the future. But for now, I'd rather focus on my own work and the plans I have set for myself.
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