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Camera 2: post #1138832
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Xelthia's PoV: post #1146173
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MemberI prefer unmutilated penises thank you very much. Honestly, what is it with the US and cutting up penises?
Pink Hat
MemberOy vey
MemberDamn I love watching these two, amazing work.
MemberI always wonder, will we ever see them try anal with one another?
MemberThis guy called John Harvey Kellogg (yep, the same guy who made the cereal) literally wrote a book on why masturbation is the worst thing ever. And one of his "methods" to stop masturbation was circumcising boys. And thanks to puritans and our prudish view on sex it became mainstream. Now here we are. People are too stubborn to give it up since "Well I am, so my son should be as well." :/
BlockedI don't mind either way but i prefer uncut too.
I think it's a leftover religious thing, but i don't really know for sure. >.>
MemberNo idea, but it's a retarded tradition that we have no choice in.
MemberSo many angels, but not a single drop of cum
Pink Hat
MemberI'm pretty sure he also invented cornflakes to keep people from doing the naughty solo. Not really sure how he thought it would work..
Zarko Elkholm
MemberIt's amazing how one comment on a post can lead to a chain of responses giving thoughts and opinions and such. :P
Regardless, absolutely amazing work as always, Jessica.
MemberKellogg also kidnapped my son Shaun.
Member10/10 taste, never leave.
MemberYou realize that circumcision neither originated nor is most prevalent in the US, right? We didn't invent it, and we don't lead the world in it, either.
MemberOh, I know that. It's just... for a western nation it seems like a very out of place cultural practice.
MemberAlso, it's a bit insensitive to refer to them as "mutilated" considering the majority of the victims didn't exactly have a say in the matter. That's somewhat akin to calling mentally challenged people "retards" or a parapalegic a "cripple."
MemberWish we did not do this in the US as well. I still feel mutilated.
user 150891
MemberCupcake that's a rather poor comparison. Mental disability is frequently inborn or the result of accidental/incidental brain damage, whereas nobody is born with a diced dangle and it's practically never an accident. Someone else made that decision. They're two different categories, and it's a factual description of what's done to the member. Whether someone had a say in being beaten doesn't change the fact that they were given head trauma after all.
Member"It's insensitive to refer to victims of female circumcision as 'mutilated' 'cause it's offensive."
I prefer to call a barbaric tradition what it is. Mutilation. Just face it. Cutting off part of someone's body without their consent is an awful and bronze-age thing to do and it should have no place in any civilised society.
Let people grow up first and give them the choice to take themselves.
MemberSo is taking ink and stabbing it into your skin until it leaves a permanent impression. And stabbing metal objects through parts of the body for decoration. Neither the east nor west are free of barbaric traditions.
And while no, I did not have a choice in my own removal, I'm perfectly fine with it. I'm not 'mutilated,' nor am I even remotely less thrilled about sex than someone who still has theirs.
Regardless, you turned a simple question that could have been answered with a "Because I prefer uncircumcised, so like it or gtfo." and twisted it into an insult towards a country, and towards people who do willingly get themselves circumcised. Congratulations.
MemberCongratulations for liking the fact you've been mutilated, doesn't change the fact that it's mutilation. You're totally missing the point even still. WE DIDN'T HAVE A SAY IN THE MATTER. Fucking yeah if someone wants a tattoo they can go and get a fucking tattoo. IT'S THEIR CHOICE, THEY HAVE THE ABILITY TO SAY IT'S WHAT THEY WANT. When my shit got wrecked, I couldn't do anything about it. Now it's something to try to change rather than have people do it because "well he's my son his should look like mine right."
Fucking autism. Always fucking wins.
MemberIgnoring your childish misuse of an actual illness, you can't seem to grasp the difference between indifference and enjoying. I am indifferent to my circumcision. It has had zero impact on my life whatsoever. If you're this triggered over your own circumcision, then I think the real problem you have with it is pretty apparent. What's wrong? Did you get the short stick? Literally?
Former StaffLet's cool it, yes?
MemberJust a side note, Circumsicion means you don't have to spend Four or so years cleaning your boy's penis for him. It's very hygenic.
Memberslowly eats popcorn while reading the comments
I'm fine with this.
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