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Vipers - deadly snipers of alien occupation forces, just one of the races previously conquered by Ethereals. Average Vipers with their female physique are definitely biologically females as well; certainly male Vipers do exist - as we've encountered so called "Viper King", yet vastly outnumbered by regular Vipers it seems they've developed somewhat different strategy when it comes to reproducing then us. Before Ethereals started cloning them - they'd have male breed number of females and leave them to rise youngs; pairing as homosexual couples to raise offspring, females would create societies with males as... well... "Kings", yet distant and remote; who are respected, served at all times by every single female in anyway he asks her to. Male'd get fulfilled all his needs and in return he’d mate hundreds of females, as around one male could gather over a thousand females he'd need to impregnate at least one Viper on daily basis. Yet he wouldn't have permanent partner - no female would dare to pair with male as he's perceived as someone so high above normal-female Vipers, he might be as well diffrent spices. That would explain why Vipers can manifest sexual attraction towards humans, probably as kind of deviation, yet exclusively towards women; as men are nor attractive for Vipers accustomed to homosexuality, nor even considered as pottenical partners due to thier gender. (...)
-from XCOM files

[from source]

  • Comments
  • ok, I am curious, what is the point of trying to completely shaft guys with this one? That seems incredibly stupid. I liked the picture, but the description completely ruined it as well as making no sense, since a woman raised by two lesbians can still come out of it being completely straight even though she is accustomed to homosexuality. So the person is actually going out of the way to use bad logic to shaft guys in their universe.

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  • alekpo said:
    if there are no males abailable u will be lesbian. cuz u know needs

    You obviously don't know how sexuality works then. A large part of it isn't choice. You chromosomes do a lot of the talking when it comes to why sex you are interested. If you are a guy, they tell you that you want to stick your dick in a pussy, and if you are a girl, they tell you that you want a dick in your pussy. Now there are times where they fuck up and tell guys they want dicks and girls they want pussy. Someone who picks to go homosexual instead of being born homosexual is more likely to be bi in reality.

    PS: I am not hating on people who are naturally homosexual, I am simply stating that it is because of a genetic fuck up.

    PSS: Also, no males available? Viper males may not be easily available in this person's head-canon, but that Viper still has lots of dicks around her. If that need for sex up and she is straight, she would go for one of them first.

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  • Licki's_RP_Service said:
    You obviously don't know how sexuality works then. A large part of it isn't choice. You chromosomes do a lot of the talking when it comes to why sex you are interested. If you are a guy, they tell you that you want to stick your dick in a pussy, and if you are a girl, they tell you that you want a dick in your pussy. Now there are times where they fuck up and tell guys they want dicks and girls they want pussy. Someone who picks to go homosexual instead of being born homosexual is more likely to be bi in reality.

    PS: I am not hating on people who are naturally homosexual, I am simply stating that it is because of a genetic fuck up.

    PSS: Also, no males available? Viper males may not be easily available in this person's head-canon, but that Viper still has lots of dicks around her. If that need for sex up and she is straight, she would go for one of them first.

    You really looked too much into this.

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  • the-ecliptic said:
    How did you deduce that they went 'out of their way' to shaft homosexuals? It sounds like innocent oversight.

    It's simple really. The artist explicitly stated vipers will only fall in love with human woman and not men. They could of simply made an image of a viper with a woman, but they choose to take that extra little step deny every man.

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  • the-ecliptic said:
    How did you deduce that they went 'out of their way' to shaft homosexuals? It sounds like innocent oversight.

    Seeing how if you go to the source, this is the artists theory for why all Vipers should be lesbians, I can easily say for a fact that the person is going out of their way to shaft guys. I will say, I don't know where you got the idea that I thought they were shafting homosexuals.

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  • Licki's_RP_Service said:
    Seeing how if you go to the source, this is the artists theory for why all Vipers should be lesbians, I can easily say for a fact that the person is going out of their way to shaft guys. I will say, I don't know where you got the idea that I thought they were shafting homosexuals.

    Well, I suppose it's just their headcanon. The artist's profile also explicitly states that they are male and straight, so it's not surprising that they would be fine with making a lesbian race. But, to each their own. I for one welcome our new snek overlords.

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  • Licki's_RP_Service said:
    ok, I am curious, what is the point of trying to completely shaft guys with this one? That seems incredibly stupid. I liked the picture, but the description completely ruined it as well as making no sense, since a woman raised by two lesbians can still come out of it being completely straight even though she is accustomed to homosexuality. So the person is actually going out of the way to use bad logic to shaft guys in their universe.

    Thank you for saying that.

    This sounds like a stupid headcannon.

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  • Licki's_RP_Service said:
    ok, I am curious, what is the point of trying to completely shaft guys with this one? That seems incredibly stupid. I liked the picture, but the description completely ruined it as well as making no sense, since a woman raised by two lesbians can still come out of it being completely straight even though she is accustomed to homosexuality. So the person is actually going out of the way to use bad logic to shaft guys in their universe.

    That text is completely opposite to the well drawn and adorable romantic picture. It smells like sweaty fanfic some 14 year old dreamed up.

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  • verruckt said:
    "from source"
    lol more like "from headcannon"

    No shit, Sherlock, source, in this case, means the source of the image where you can see the artist's headcanon.

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  • karharoth said:
    I don't think it's bad logic, the author just headcanoned a race of almost monogendered lesbians. What's...your issue? That in this version they don't want to fuck human men?

    Logic requires three things. A thing, a cause, and an effect. The Artist's "logic" involves two things and an effect, meaning it isnt actually logical.

    Tell me, does "A" equals "B" because "A" make any logical sense to you? Of course not. Now tell me why does a community of only women (A) are lesbian (B) because they are a community of only women (A). Want more examples? even if you dont, I will still give you some.

    You (A) are crazy (B) because you are you (A)
    Food (A) is hot (B) because it is food (A)
    The fridge (A) is cold (B) because it is a fridge (A)

    Now that last one almost sounds logical, but it isn't. A fridge isn't cold simply because it is a fridge now, is it. A fridge with no power can't refrigerate things. If you wanted to write this out as a problem, it would be "A" equals "B" because "C" so the fridge (A) is cold (B) because the fridge is being powered (C).

    Best way to find out if something could possibly be logical is to use this equation: A+C=B. Now I will give you two examples here.

    An all-female community + an all-female community = lesbians. Wait, where did the second all-female community come from? Hmmm, there must be something wrong with the logic here.

    Fridge + power = Cold air. Well, this sounds like a logical conclusion. If you give a fridge power, it will make cold air.

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  • Licki's_RP_Service said:
    Fridge + power = Cold air. Well, this sounds like a logical conclusion. If you give a fridge power, it will make cold air.

    .... Not if you leave the door open. >_>;

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  • What if instead of saying that's how there sexuality works why not be saying that's how their society works?

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  • Mdf said:
    .... Not if you leave the door open. >_>;

    You may want to get your fridge checked out then mate. If your fridge stops working when you open the door, then there's obviously something wrong with it since it should still produce cold air it will just be pumping the cold air out of the fridge.

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  • Wow, I somehow didn't notice this at first, but their logic as actually a bit worse than I thought as we can make an easy counterexample of it not working in real life. Part of the artist/authors logic is that since most of the female vipers are gay, they all became COMPLETELY gay. The counterexample here is that if that wasn't flawed as shit out the gate then since most of the population on earth is straight that means gay people should have already stopped being gay and gone 100% straight by now. Do you see how stopped as shit that kind of logic is?

    For those of you who have asked me why and don't simply enjoy the cute lesbians, the reason is that if someone puts some kind of story with their art I will judge them as a single creation. They're meant to be connected to each other so I will judge them as together, not separately. Think of it like this. If a comic has pretty pictures but a bad story, I won't enjoy it. If a comic as a great story but ugly art, I won't enjoy it. If a comic has a good story and decent art except on one page either the art or story is bad, I won't enjoy that page, but will still enjoy the rest of the comic.

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  • Signature said:
    You really looked too much into this.

    Eh, I was really fucking bored at the time and ripping the artist's/author's logic to ribbons seemed like a fun way to spend my time, which it was. If you can't tell, I happened upon this image again while I was bored looking for sexy vipers and thought I would check up on it.

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  • Licki's_RP_Service said:
    Eh, I was really fucking bored at the time and ripping the artist's/author's logic to ribbons seemed like a fun way to spend my time, which it was. If you can't tell, I happened upon this image again while I was bored looking for sexy vipers and thought I would check up on it.

    Okay first of all: The alien featured here is from a video game.

    Second of all: According to the creators own lore, 100% all Vipers are genetically female and cloned by the Elder aliens.

    Third: The artist is not “shafting” males by any means because in the base game Xcom 2, there are ZERO male Vipers. The only Male Viper ever seen was part of one of the DLC Packs, and was a genetic experiment created by a human who escaped from a lab.

    So there. All of you quit bickering and just enjoy the porn. Ignore the story if you don’t like it. Such simple solutions that nobody ever cares to take.

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  • LegendaryDarkKnight said:
    Okay first of all: The alien featured here is from a video game.

    Second of all: According to the creators own lore, 100% all Vipers are genetically female and cloned by the Elder aliens.

    Third: The artist is not “shafting” males by any means because in the base game Xcom 2, there are ZERO male Vipers. The only Male Viper ever seen was part of one of the DLC Packs, and was a genetic experiment created by a human who escaped from a lab.

    So there. All of you quit bickering and just enjoy the porn. Ignore the story if you don’t like it. Such simple solutions that nobody ever cares to take.

    You don't seem to have grasped what the complaint is; the issue is not that "men are being shafted because all vipers are female", it's "men are being shafted because vipers are only attracted to women, if they're attracted to humans at all".

    Of course, this only ever applies to this artist's work anyway, so I don't really think the fuss is really warranted regardless. If they don't want to draw guys getting with vipers, they're not going to draw it regardless of whether or not they invent a headcanon to justify it.

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  • doesnotexist said:
    You don't seem to have grasped what the complaint is; the issue is not that "men are being shafted because all vipers are female", it's "men are being shafted because vipers are only attracted to women, if they're attracted to humans at all".

    Of course, this only ever applies to this artist's work anyway, so I don't really think the fuss is really warranted regardless. If they don't want to draw guys getting with vipers, they're not going to draw it regardless of whether or not they invent a headcanon to justify it.

    Yeah, I don't really know why I even went the route that I chose to complain about this anyways. Notably, I even went about it the wrong way. Yes, I could look at it the way my whiny ass did 3-4 years ago and say that the artist's headcanon is "Shafting males" but in reality the artist is saying they think homosexuality is a choice.

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