created by ruaidri

You Asked For It

"You couldn't just leave well enough alone, could you? Had to pry. You ask me why it is I never give, why I'm always the one receiving. Well fine, you bitch, I'll give. I'm gonna make you cum, and cum again and I'm not going to let you stop until it hurts, until long after when I've finally decided I've had enough. Truth is, I rather enjoy giving, I just do it on my terms, and I'm going to make sure that's something you don't forget any time soon." yeah, I've been getting asked a fair bit lately actually, why it is I always draw the male receiving the the female giving in oral situations. Really there's no specific reason, I guess I'm just a fan of the blowjob, but I don't have anything against the idea of giving, I quite like it actually. But I'm going to do it my way. :P

Apparently it's not wise to question Ru, he tends to get carried away so easily... unless of course you're the kind of girl who likes it when it hurts, a bit ;P

Just a doodle, a pretty rushed one at that, so excuse the shoddy anatomy. But anyway, I went into town today and couldn't get any bristol board yet. Sorry D: I'll be heading in again tomorrow a bit earlier, and hopefully I'll find some then!

Will scrap in a bit.

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