MLP Season 7 In A Nutshell - Complete
Happy Season Finale! This isn't getting any easier with each new season. The third in-succession MLP In A Nutshell nutshell is here! This was a brilliant season. All that sudden continuity.
Things to note/not write me about: I couldn't cram each and every reference, because that would've given me a stroke. Also, I won't be doing those of the previous seasons before 5. And now, the cheatsheet.
The References, officially:
1. Teacup-swimming Discord, Thorax, Trixie, Starlight Glimmer, Medals of Friendship
2. Teacups, Cinnamon Nuts, Bottled-up Rage
3. Flurry Heart, Twilight Sparkle, Shopping Cart, Whammy
4. Maud Pie, Pizza Suit Pinkie Pie, Kite-flying Starlight Glimmer, Jalapeño Red Velvet Omelette Cupcakes
5. What-the-heck Fluttershy, Intensive Care Angel Bunny, Dr. Fauna
6. Chipcutter, Majestic Statue
7. Scootaloo, Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash, Bow Hothoof, Windy Whistles
8. Big Macintosh, Sugar Belle, Feather Bangs, Feather Bangers Fan Club
9. Rage Rarity, Applejack, Strawberry Sunrise, Photo Finish, Hoity Toity, As-if Big Macintosh, Strawberry Basket
10. Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, Pineapple Breakfast, Pancakes, Ballerina Twilight Sparkle
11. Prince Rutherford, Honorary Yak Helmet
12. Screaming Piñata, Gin-sing Tea, Flying Teapot
13. Bright Mac, Pear Butter
14. Friendship Journals
15. Twilight Glimmer, Dragon Lord Ember, Cutie Map Spike
16. Rockhoof Apple Bloom, Mistmane Sweetie Belle, Flash Magnus Scootaloo
17. Pharynx
18. Daring Do, Somnambula, Sphinx's Paw, Glowpaz
19. Punk Rage Rarity
20. Mage Meadowbrook Zecora, Flash Bee
21. CMC-Protesting Rebel Rumble, Thunderlane, Kettle Corn, Circles
22. Seasick Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Star Tracker, Parachuting Iron Will, Barrel o' Fun
23. Ballooning Pie-throwing Pinkie Pie
24. Sunburst, Star Swirl's Journal*
25/26. Star Swirl the Bearded, Pony of Shadows (Stygian), Mysterious Sirens
The Lightning Chaser
MemberAwesome! Sad the season is over already but can’t wait till season 8.
Memberi cant either
but im just scared for chrysalis
MemberYou all gotta tell me how you got Discord's help in putting this sucker together. Brilliant!
MemberWhy is Flash Sentry so small?
MemberHonestly, I'm more concerned about Tirek coming back; he's someone that can't be reformed or reasoned with and he's an actual threat.
MemberScared? That she will be "corrupted" by Friendship, too? Or that she will devise some truly devilish revenge, as she promised in Season 6 finale?
MemberHey, Tirek can wait his damn turn. We waited for five seasons to see Chrysalis again, and it's about time Sombra gets an actual episode where he has more than ten words over three lines.
MemberBut... Sombra is dead. Well, at least is sure looked like it in the episode.
MemberThey made a distinctive point of showing his horn survive and absorb into the ground. With his abilities over dark magic, chances are something like that would be about a minor setback for him.
He's just biding his time, gaining new strength each day as he slowly re-forms into himself again.
BlockedGlad to see that I'm not the only one who noticed him.
BlockedWhy the hell is this such a big problem in the community? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this show called "Friendship is Magic"? Of course most (if not all) villains would be reformed as it goes along with the show's overall moral and also is a lesson to forgive and forget.
Saying an MLP:FiM villain shouldn't be reformed is like saying e621 shouldn't have fan art. It's completely contradicting!
MemberTrue, but it's becoming far too predictable and repetitive. That actually hurts the show in the long run. And strong and memorable villains are as important for (any) franchize as are the heroes. Such storytelling rules are pretty much universal, be it a Marvel comic or a TV show for preschoolers.
BlockedVery true, but even if it gets repetitive, each villain reformed brings in a cargo ship worth of potential episodes and plot/character development. And considering how they implemented the current reformed villains like Starlight & Discord they could be able to keep refining this loop and make it better each time. Don't look a reformation as a recycled plot moment, but rather a gateway into the exploration and fleshing out the lore and world of this cult classic
Either way though...Only time will tell.
Vaps the Morph
MemberAll true.. but it's important that kids learn that some beings are beyond redemption. They're starting this with Chrysalis, and I hope it continues for her. Not everyone can be brought to another's way of thinking, and kids should learn that.
BlockedTotally agree. But if you ask me, Chrysallid being reformed would provide quite the box of ideas. For one, if Chrysallid were to become co-leader along side Thorax, they would be able to mentor each other as Thorax needs leadership skills and Chrysallid needs to learn mainly trust. What if Chrysallid wants to be forgiven but due to her deceptive and manipulative reputation she has to go to great lengths to prove she ain't lying. That's a good episode idea, no? Also, if they are to reform Chrysallid it would most likely mean that Starlight forgives her which would mean a lot for both characters since Chrysallid full on ignores her during the S6 finale.
I'd also like to point out that IF Chrysallid and Tyrek end up reformed that would mean that every MLP villain would be reformed to some extent (If I'm right, Sombra was reformed in the comics so close enough)
Memberand season 9
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