Tamara Fox kami of Milk, Sex, and Procreation
When we speak of Tamara Fox as a Japanese Kami of Milk, Sex and Procreation we are speaking of the habit of Homo sapiens wanting to simplify a complex religious concept. Tamara was sent to Japan at the behest of Albrecht, the bastard king, to be surgically reconfigured back into her previous state of ‘enhanced sex toy.’ The Creators (such as their descendants exist on the isles of Japan in this far future) researched their subject and came to the conclusion Tamara should not exist – Raj male DNA melding with Kitsune female was never specified in the engineering schematics.
But exist Tamara obviously does; and after report is made things just sort of takeoff. The Shinto/Zen monks of the islands decide this Fox must be a living avatar, an embodiment of the female deity they have assigned the roles of Milk, Sex and Procreation to. For what they have in mind – a living avatar in permanent residence at the Kanayama Temple Complex – a beast woman will do just fine.
Besides, it is just good business.
‘Avatar of the kami’ is a bit of a mouthful, and so the worshipers just address Tamara as though she were the actual deity. Religious worship being what it is undoubtedly some subset of the population actually considers Tamara to be that kami.
This is now the twelve days of the Kanamara Matsuri, the Festival of the Steel Penis, in the far future. Tamara has been at the temple for years; she knows the role she is expected to play as kami. It is a role somewhat different from when she was a pleasure slave; but not completely different.
Tamara Fox kami of Milk, Sex, Procreation peach image
Tamara waiting in bed for her Festival Consort to join her; tea with vixen milk at the side.
During the Festival of the Steel Penis there is a raffle, drawing held about mid-way. If you have the funds you may purchase as many tickets as you like. Tamara’s attire, a sort of bastardized kimono, symbolizes what is being raffled – her ‘peach’. For the winner there will be a brief ceremony making him ‘consort’ to the kami for the remaining days (and nights) of the festival.
The raffle brings in a large quantity of funds for the Temple.
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