“You’re not coming to see Lou’s show?” Jeger had asked Floyd, as he sat with him, drinking a beer. He had learned through conversation that Floyd was Lou’s ex, whom he got along with well.
“Not this one,“ the fox had replied vaguely, before changing the subject. Jeger had not insisted.
Not only was it one of Lou’s shows, but he had renewed his collaboration with Saul, the crafty dancer skunk who made the nation cheer. Saul had been dancing with several of the planet’s biggest pop-star crews, between modeling shots, and Jeger was aware he was slowly becoming part of the mainstream culture. He had pierced more in the collective mind than the average contemporary dancer had. Even Lou, a very well respected dancer/choregrapher, couldn’t say he had the same kind of public notoriety Saul had. Anyway, seeing the two working together was a treat Jeger wouldn’t miss for the world, while he was in America.
He had sat down in the first rows, following the dancers’ strong, graceful movements, had been one of the first ones to stand up at the very end to clap, and was now waiting near the artists’ entrance, holding a medium-sized flower bouquet he intended to give to his fellow buck friend.
The deer and skunk walked out together, flanked by a few other members of their crew, looking pretty fresh and excited still. Lou smiled as he noticed the other stag waiting for him with the flowers, Jeger trotting to him and the bouquet exchanging hands. "Thanks, Jeger, I'm glad you managed to make it to the show," Lou said, as a few of his dancers said goodbye and went on their way, and the skunk idled around, checking out the other deer's handsome face and athletic body. "This is Saul,", Lou introduced him, Jeger shaking the skunk's paw as their eyes crossed.
Soon only the three of them remained, sitting down in the concert hall's cafe, Jeger and Lou drinking mochas while Saul satisfied himself with a Red Bull he had carried around with him that day. The two dancers spoke about their tour, the different cities they had visited, while the European stag mentioned his job, as well as the first week he had spent in America. He stayed vague about the people he had been hanging out with, not necessarily wanting to disclose anything about having been involved in a porno shot.
"You guys sleep together, right?" the question came from left field, from the twinkish skunk's lips. The matter-of-factness of the question, added to the skunk's inquisitive eyes, made Jeger and Lou hesitate long enough to confirm the skunk's suspicions. Along with Saul's leg that had been caressing Jeger's since they had sat down, it was getting obvious what the very attractive skunkboy was trying to achieve tonight.
They set the empty cups down, walked out on the street and flagged a cab to the pair's hotel, the skunk idly fondling both deers' packages in the empty elevator, humming softly in anticipation. Lou was one of his favorite lovers, and having Jeger around was like having a second Lou: quite the fantasy. The hotel room wasn't particularly luxurious, but had a nice view, and, revealingly enough, a single bed. The skunk was already making out with Lou, swishing his toned rear and bushy tail at the other stag, letting off some soft, enticing moans through the kiss. Jeger's shirt found its way to the floor before he pressed his bulging crotch against Saul's rear, his paws slipping under his loose shirt, peeling it off his body, caressing down that beautiful body, lean but strong. Saul broke the kiss, turning his head to look at the second stag, grinning as himself was working Lou's pants open, soon enough pulling his thick, long cervine cock in the open. "Mmh, you know how to start a party, stud..."
The skunk pulled from the pair of deers and to the large hotel window, leaning back on the cold glass with a soft huff as he undid his jeans, slipping them down along his boxers, rubbing down his revealed pink cock as he invited the two hunks to join him as a little exhibitionist trip. The skunk was fairly shameless, having made part of his fame on erotic modeling scandals. Lou was a little more concerned, but as soon as Jeger joined the skunk near the window and the two started hotly kissing, he knew he wouldn't be able to stand back and watch. Shedding the top off his sculpted body, he joined the pair, making Saul murr as he switched the kiss from Jeger to Lou, wrapping a paw on both stag's hard dicks, slowly pumping them as he felt the horny paws on his lithe body and perfect rear.
After showing off a little for whoever might be glancing at their window, the naked trio made it to the bed, Saul taking his natural position in the middle, slowly working his mouth down Lou's endowed dick while he felt his rim being widely stretched around the other buck's thick cock, moaning and arching his back, his own pink cock rock hard as he gripped the bed, starting to work the two cervine cocks at once, making the bed squeak.
In the next two hours, the skunk had taken the two studlier males' dicks in a bunch of different positions, and his nose was full of the earthy scent of aroused, pumping buck. While he cleaned up, Jeger had had the chance to pump a load inside Lou's ass, finding the buck more accomodating than he had been the last time their paths had crossed.
Finally, the two dancers called it quits, offering a shower to their guest before sending him on his way. They had another show tomorrow and 3 didn't sleep well in a single bed. As he walked back into the street, Jeger looked up at the window, seeing the light still open. Grinning, he had a thought that Lou and Saul might have not been fully finished yet.
Opening his cellphone, he noticed he had a text from an unknown number. "Huh."
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