miles prower, red, and sybil reisz (sonic the hedgehog (series) and etc) created by kevinsano
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Story bit

The Goldbank Auditorium fell silent again. The dust slowly settled on the main stage. Red stood back up, patting the dust off her torn clothes. The battle had been fierce, but she had prevailed. Yet, her victory brought her no joy.

The Transistor, a large, futuristic-looking sword she was carrying at her side lit up.

"Red. Look over there." it spoke, concern filtering through its digitized voice.

A few meters away from them, a beaten, sobbing, black silhouette was slowly crawling towards them. It was profusely bleeding some sort of white liquid, leaving a large trail behind it.

"...She's finished." the Transistor paused. "What now...Can't leave her like this."

Red slowly walked over to the pathetic-looking creature, her gaze devoid of remorse or sadness. She raised the heavy talking sword above her head, ready to strike. She pushed a button on the side of the handle.


As the edge of the Transistor penetrated its flesh, the dying, black creature started glowing a blinding white. Small, white robots sporting a single, big, red eye appeared from the ground around them and flew directly into the light. The Transistor itself glowed a bright mix of turquoise and red. The fox shielded her eyes with her arm. Suddenly, the light vanished and the blade was pushed back. Its tip landed back on the ground with a soft "thud".

In place of the agonizing creature now stood another woman with long, pale blonde, curly hair and the torn remains of a white dress. Besides her, a folded umbrella rested on the ground. Her purple tail slowly wiggled back to life as she struggled to get up. Looking up, her eyes met Red's.

"Hello again Sybil." the Transistor greeted her with a sad voice.

"R...Red. What happened ?"

"Looks like your Camerata friends included a backup function if your toys were turned against you...And Red was merciful enough not to turn it off." the sword replied in her place.

Meanwhile, the two-tailed vixen was staring at Sybil with a gaze cold enough to send chill down her spine.

"Red. You have to give it back. The Process is out of control without the Transistor. Soon all of Cloudbank...will be..."

Red narrowing her eyes was enough to dissuade her from continuing that sentence. Sybil struggled to get up, using her umbrella as support, stepping on her own dress, tearing it further.

"Red...Please talk to me, Red !" she begged, attempting to grab the vixen's arms. She was stopped by the tip of the Transistor, glowing menacingly, that Red was now pointing at her chest.

"She lost her voice, Sybil. Because of you." the sword explained.

Sybil's eyes went wide as she hid her mouth behind her three-fingered paws. Her eyes filled with tears as she stumbled back. She bumped into and ended up sitting on a cluster of white building blocks, harmless by-products of the Process gone haywire. She hid her face in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Red. We only wanted your help."

Sybil cried for several minutes, crushed by guilt and remorse. Red simply stood there, her piercing stare slowly softening over time.

Finally, Red gently put her hand on Sybil's shoulder. Without looking up, Sybil spoke, her voice choked by her crying.

"I always loved you Red. Ever since the first time I saw you. But you were always so distant, so aloof. I wanted you all for myself...and I've ruined your life. I'm so sorry."

She felt Red's soft fingers under her chin, gently pushing her gaze towards hers. Their eyes met again. A calm, warmer expression had replaced the cold hostility on the vixen's beautiful face. A faint smile stretched her lips. Sybil returned a confused look.

"I was done for. Why did you bring me back ? I don't deserve this. I..." she was interrupted when Red put a finger on her mouth. The fox took hold of one of her hand and helped her up. Sybil had never been so close to her before. If Red looked beautiful to her before, she looked absolutely gorgeous from this close. She lost herself in her deep, blue eyes and before she realized it, she was pulled into Red's embrace.

Resting her head on Red's shoulder, Sybil closed her eyes.

"Red...I...Thank you." she simply replied.

Both remained motionless for several long minutes, in one another's arms. Finally, the Transistor broke the silence.

"Red, Sybil, I hate to interrupt, but we still have work to do."

The vixen sighed, gently pushing back her friend.

"Your Camerata friends." the sword continued. "I want you to tell us where they are."

By now you've probably noticed how much I love to mash characters and game I love without any further explanation. Welp, have some Tailsko and Mewtwo meet Transistor action ! Hope you like.

Picture was done by the talented kevinsano !

For those of you familiar with the game's story, you've probably noticed I took the liberty to add a very useful function to the Transistor. Also, the Transistor is just an AI here.
For those of you unfamiliar with the game's story, well...Give the game a shot if you have the opportunity. Great visuals, great soundtrack, great game ^^

- Annonguy

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