Donner is off for the night and decides to have himself some fun with Blitzen in the dressing room. Meanwhile Santa finds out what has come of his friend and hopes that his son is doing all right.
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Things were progressing through the night rather favorably for Santa. He was sipping at a glass of wine and looking over a few documents on his phone when there came a knock at his door. The snow leopard cocked an eyebrow as he wasn't expecting any sort of company or interruptions at this moment. Could it be that Oliver had arrived early? He asked himself.
He made his way to the door and swung it open, revealing an elf that bowed her head a little as she spoke. “Sir, the chief of police is waiting out front of the Workshop and would like a word with you,” she explained.
“The chief of police?” Santa repeated incredulously and made his way out of the room rather quickly, the elf expertly stepping to the side to avoid her boss. On his way down the many hallways and flights of stairs he encountered an elf that took his glass of wine from him. He slid his phone into the pocket of his suit and made sure that he looked presentable enough to be viewed by a public figure.
Just as he was told, the chief of police for a district of the North Pole was standing outside of the front entrance with a few police officers and several police cars nearby, each vehicle flashing its red and blue lights and making for quite the spectacle.
“Good evening, Santa,” the chief of police said, a lanky, grizzled red fox that wore his tan jacket tight around his body, his police uniform visible from around the flaps as they would get taken by the wind and shifted.
“Hello there, chief. Is there something I can do for you?” Santa asked and came to stand a couple feet away. At this point he might have made a lighthearted joke about having so many officers there at once, and the fact that Santa recognized a couple of them as frequent guests at his sex club. The fox held an extremely serious aura about him, and Santa would rather not do something that could make the situation worse, particularly if it was because of him that so many police were around.
“I'm afraid there has been an incident at the nearby airport regarding a Russian diplomat by the name of Roskuv Popov. Would you happen to know this bear?” the chief asked and held Santa's gaze rather firmly.
“I do, he and his son were guests at my establishment for the past twenty days. They recently left today to go back home,” the snow leopard explained, his voice deep and even. The fox nodded his head but said nothing, prompting Santa to press a bit. “Is there something wrong? I am willing to cooperate the best of my ability if there is any sort of investigation underway that involves my friend, but do understand that there is some client confidentiality that I am obligated to uphold.”
“I don't think that will be much of an issue, Santa, given that Roskuv is dead,” he blurted out. Santa felt his insides suddenly go cold, and not just because of the chilly wind picking up.
“Wha...” The snow leopard cleared his throat and donned a more serious, composed look. “What had happened?”
“The details are still coming in, but we believe it was some politically motivated terrorist attack. As of right now no one in particular has taken credit for it, but the whole thing is still under investigation,” The fox explained.
“I see...” Santa mumbled.
“According to one of the limo drivers, Roskuv had a son that was with him on vacation here in the North Pole, particularly at your establishment,” the chief continued.
“That's right,” Santa replied evenly.
“But a survey of the crime scene has resulted in no recovery of anyone under the age of thirty. We suspect that he may be alive and in the hands of the terrorists, but to make sure I'd like to ask you if you can identify him among the victims,” The fox explained and withdrew a small tablet from his pocket and touched across the screen to get to an image gallery. When he had, he turned the tablet around and presented it to Santa.
The snow leopard took it and grimaced at the first image that he saw. It was of a beautiful stewardess that had a crime marker near her head and a pool of blood around her body. He began to swipe through the images, trying his best to remain stoic but the sight of what had befallen his friend and the group of people that accompanied them was making his blood boil.
When he finally came upon the image of Roskuv lying face down in the snow, Santa froze and swallowed hard. His teeth grit and he fought to keep himself from saying anything too angrily. When he swiped away from that image it was brought back to the first stewardess, and so he handed the tablet back and gave a solemn shake of his head.
“Then I'm afraid we can assume the worst. Interpol will be on the scene soon, we're hoping they'll be able to give us some more info on the subject. In any case, we might come around again for more questioning. If there are any developments on your end I'd like for you to contact me,” the chief said and withdrew from his pocket a card with his personal info on it and handed it over to the snow leopard. Santa looked it over and nodded before slipping it into the pocket of his jacket.
“If there's anything that we can do here to hasten the apprehension of the terrorists please let us know,” the snow leopard rumbled. The fox nodded his head and tipped his hat.
“Santa,” he said and then turned around. The other cops that were standing near their cars began to move, and together each of them returned to their vehicles and drove off. Santa was left watching after them as they each pulled out and drove away. It wasn't until he saw the last of them that he let out a held breath as a long sigh and shook his head. He returned to his workshop, knowing that he would have to break the news to his reindeer of what had happened.
Donner gave a heavy sigh of relief as he began to meander down the hall leading to the reindeers' dressing room. He was casually pulling his gloves off of his arms and rolling the stockings down over his thighs. Without the garment to conceal his arms, the very detailed tattoo sleeves that wound their way from his shoulders to his wrists could easily be seen. Elemental symbols and tribal imagery were rampant among the designs.
While a couple of elves passed him by he didn't see many others reindeer, leading him to think that they were all likely still out working. That suited him well, he didn't mind being alone for a while.
Pushing his way into the dressing room, Donner found that he couldn't have been farther from the truth. Comet was on her phone playing a game near the make up table, her attention completely away from the rest of the room. On one couch near the far wall Cupid was lying on her stomach, and straddling her lower back was Rudolph. The feminine, red-nosed reindeer was stroking his hands against her back and pushing his fingers against her sore muscles, making her moan with relief as he worked out the kinks of her shoulders.
Blitzen was standing near the wall sipping at an energy drink that one of the bars downstairs had provided, no doubt getting ready for his shift to start down in the club. When Donner entered, Comet and Blitzen looked up and they both gave affectionate waves and smiles, though the other male seemed to be much more enthusiastic.
“Hey there, big guy!” He said and sprung into action, trotting over to stand by the taller reindeer's side. The sight of him made Donner grin. All through the night he had been the subject of other males' needs, often getting his ass played with and fucked. Not that he minded it, but it was about time that he got his own dick wet.
Donner dropped his crumbled stockings and gloves off to the side and wrapped his arm around the smaller male. “Heh, hey there cutie.” He mumbled.
“Ew, you're all sweaty,” Blitzen said with slight disgust and sprung away.
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