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  • Blyatinski said:
    what is this thing and why is this a thing

    This is a depiction of the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria, the heir to the Austro-Hungary Empire in 1914. He was shot by a member of the Black Hand, a Serbian Nationalist group (I forget the gunman's name)
    At the time the Serbians and the Austrians had some bad blood between them (to say the least) and the Black Hand took matters into their own hands and assassinated this political figure, starting what we now call the 'First World War.'

    Or at least that is what I think this image is...

    Now looking at the tags, I see Franz Ferdinand listed (not as a character... so that explains the invalid tag line...) and also the name of the gunman

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  • Shabnack said:
    This is a depiction of the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria, the heir to the Austro-Hungary Empire in 1914. He was shot by a member of the Black Hand, a Serbian Nationalist group (I forget the gunman's name)
    At the time the Serbians and the Austrians had some bad blood between them (to say the least) and the Black Hand took matters into their own hands and assassinated this political figure, starting what we now call the 'First World War.'

    Or at least that is what I think this image is...

    Now looking at the tags, I see Franz Ferdinand listed (not as a character... so that explains the invalid tag line...) and also the name of the gunman

    I did see that, but he was being driven not the one driving.

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  • Aw shit son, I remember laughing at this pic in a forum ages ago. This is some vintage furry cringe.

    For whatever it's worth, I recall this being a commission, so don't blame the poor artist.

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  • First off:
    It wasn't the Black Hand; Gavrilo was part of Young Bosnia, a group that wanted to free Bosnia from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Black Hand had a role in ending a dynasty of monarchs in Serbia at the beginning of the XX century.

    Wait, so WWI was actually caused by furries?! Dear god, it all makes sense now OwO

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  • In order for the modern furry fandom and all his children to exist, our god Eozdniw had to trigger a catastrophic event to kickstart the birth of the furry pandemic.

    If Archduke Franz Ferdinand wasn’t shot, there wouldn’t be WW1, a sad painter wouldn’t join the war he would eventually lose, which wouldn’t make him angry and get involved in politics to become the ruler of Germany, WW2 wouldn’t happen, Germany and Japan wouldn’t become butt buddies, Japan wouldn’t assault ‘Meruhka, they wouldn’t get the nuked, the nuke wouldn’t inspire the creation of Astroboy and modern anime/manga, which wouldn’t sneak its way into sci-fi conventions and parties, which wouldn’t become part of the vintage film trading scene, and it wouldn’t hybridize into some anime-inspired Disney animal monstrosities, creating the furry fandom and by extension Eozdniw the mischief furry god who fucks with reality at will and set off a paradoxical time loop that makes him his own grandpa or something...

    Writing this was painful. I need to smoke a bowl.

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  • HeathenFurfag said:
    In order for the modern furry fandom and all his children to exist, our god Eozdniw had to trigger a catastrophic event to kickstart the birth of the furry pandemic.If Archduke Franz Ferdinand wasn’t shot, there wouldn’t be WW1, a sad painter wouldn’t join the war he would eventually lose, which wouldn’t make him angry and get involved in politics to become the ruler of Germany, WW2 wouldn’t happen, Germany and Japan wouldn’t become butt buddies, Japan wouldn’t assault ‘Meruhka, they wouldn’t get the nuked, the nuke wouldn’t inspire the creation of Astroboy and modern anime/manga, which wouldn’t sneak its way into sci-fi conventions and parties, which wouldn’t become part of the vintage film trading scene, and it wouldn’t hybridize into some anime-inspired Disney animal monstrosities, creating the furry fandom and by extension Eozdniw the mischief furry god who fucks with reality at will and set off a paradoxical time loop that makes him his own grandpa or something...Writing this was painful. I need to smoke a bowl.

    Well, Europe at the time was a powder keg of hostility and treaties. The powers were itching for a good war, and all that was needed was a spark. So WW1 was very much going to happen one way or another, but if events played out differently we might not have seen WW2.

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