It's the Solstice party and it's time for a show! On a warm, homely scene the Krampus comes to punish the naughty this year.
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Finally, months worth of planning and arguably the most exciting time of the year, second only to Christmas, was upon the Workshop. It was late at night and guests had been coming in at a steady pace, but those that showed up to the sex club now were much different than those that came around the days leading up to this point.
The Workshop was now closed to the public and only open to those that were either directly invited or had paid a very expensive fee to attend the coming stage shows and to be a part of the festivities. Each attendant that came in had to present their pass to a series of armed guards along with some sort of identification. Then they needed to go through a couple different detectors and were forced to surrender any electronic device so that no one could record anything that went on beyond the doors.
This was a process for every guest every night that they came and were subjected to it whenever they would want to enter. Even if they stepped out just to have a smoke they would have to go through the whole thing again. For those that came frequently every year, they knew the general procedure that came with the fun, and those that were new were thoroughly warned before the proceedings. But like most of the time, there were no hitches, and the guests came in until the club was at capacity and every last guest was accounted for.
The main stage at the center of the room had been widened with a few pre-made fixtures that transformed it from a catwalk and stripper pole to a rectangular theater setting. On this huge stage a scene that looked like the inside of a log cabin had been made. Three walls were built and decorated with the forth wall that would have been towards the crowd was missing, allowing for the entire inside to be seen.
In front of the stage rows upon rows of comfortable seats had been set up. Each one had an excited guest in it, all manner of species, age, and gender were represented, most of whom were very well dressed. Chatter among the guests had the room in a low roar, and a few guests were so excited that they had begun to enjoy themselves by either openly masturbating or having sex with anyone around them that might be in the same mood. Though it wasn't too common, it was never frowned upon.
From the reindeers' dressing room, things were loud and fevered. Oliver had spent the previous night hanging out with everyone under Santa's employ and even went over some of the finer motions, lines, and scenes that were going to be performed. It was a simple scene that each of the girls were familiar with because they often opened the Solstice Party with something like it.
Now that it was opening night, everyone was ready and itching to get things started. While the girls and Oliver took up the whole space of the makeup table as they got themselves ready, the men and hermaphrodites only watched and smirked. The opener for the night was strictly girls only, but that didn't mean they weren't going to have their chance in the spotlight later on. Each of the nights leading up to and including Christmas day had a special performance that used the stage. Every one was unique and were often new from year to year.
As everyone was talking about the year's Solstice performance, the door to the dressing room came open and in stepped Santa with an elf trailing behind him. Everyone paused in their conversation and greeted the towering snow leopard with smiles and grins. He beamed happily at his flock and set his paws on his hips.
“Ho ho ho! I'm glad to see everyone is ready to go! The stage is set and everything is ready, so we've got show time in five minutes. Dasher, Comet, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph, the catering has just arrive and we just popped the cork of some champagne, so let's head to my room to watch the show,” he said to the cheer of the males and hermaphrodites of the room. As they gathered closer, Santa's eyes turned and met each other girls' gaze and finally settled on Oliver's. “The crowd is all yours, Oliver. I can't wait to see how everything goes.” With that, Santa turned and exited the room with the others not destined for the show happily following.
Oliver smirked and waited until the door was closed and the five of them were alone before she turned and beamed. “It's show time, girls!”
The women disembarked first to get ready for the scene with Oliver soon to follow after a short minute to herself. They were progressing through a series of hallways and stairwells to get to the back entrance of the stage. As they got closer the music of the club grew louder, the bass reverberating through the walls to keep the crowd hyped for what was to come.
As the female reindeer progressed in a line, happily talking among themselves, Vixen was trailing a bit from the back though she was still close by. With one door separating them from the stage, the group was suddenly halted when an arm reached out from the darkness and grabbed a hold of Vixen's shoulder.
Vixen shrieked is surprise and terror, making the others turn around and rush to her rescue, but when they all saw who had stopped the small doe they were frozen in shock. Dmitri emerged from the shadows with a wide smile on his face. He took full advantage of the stunned silence and wrapped Vixen in a quick hug.
“I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you, but I thought I needed some sort of grand entrance!” he said over the thrum of the music and laughed. Vixen regained lucidity and shook herself away from his friendly grasp.
“Dmitri, is that really you?” she asked, some panic in her voice.
“Of course, who else would I be?” he laughed and winked at her. Vixen glanced back at the three others and realized that they were looking among themselves as well. Finally, Prancer stepped up from the group to be at Vixen's side.
“ you know...anything about what has happened yesterday?” she asked, her face showing a mask of worry. The bear looked confused as he met the other's eyes.
“What has happened? I just skipped out on going to the airport, my dad can't be too pissed can he?” he asked with a half laugh but it died away when he saw how serious everyone was staring at him.
“Skipped out on the-” Cupid began but was cut of.
“Girls, we have to get to the stage,” Dancer chimed in and pushed her way around the others to get to the bear. She grabbed him by the shoulders and squared him so that he was staring into her eyes. “Dmitri, you need to go find an elf and tell them that you need to talk to Santa urgently. He'll be able to explain what has happened.”
“Talk to Santa about what? What has happened?” he asked, worry tinting his words.
“We don't have that kind of time. Just go find an elf,” she said, authority rising in her voice.
“But can't I just follow you-”
“No!” Dancer snapped and aggressively spun him around to point towards the back of the hallway from where they had just come from and gave him a little shove. “We have a show to perform and you need to go find an elf.” Dancer turned and marched back for the door that lead to the stage and gestured with her hand for the others to follow.
They all fell back into line, and as Vixen reached the hall exit she glanced back over her shoulder to the bear and met his eyes as he just stood there where Dancer had left him. She gave him an apologetic frown before she went on stage and became enveloped by the music.
The cheerful holiday song died and the crowd became hushed. The huge curtain that had been draped over the stage lifted, revealing the inner home setting and the four reindeer in their places. Each of the women was entirely naked, not even wearing the stockings or gloves that they usually would have on for their normal performances.
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