created by ruaidri


A vixen waits comfortably and contentedly for her master to return and decide how to best make use of her.

Just had a random urge to draw some ropework again. Dunno, seemed like it would be fun. It was! Yaaay. Didn't come out too great, further raped by my scanner, but such is life. I still like it. x3

I know it's a generic fox, but I wanted to draw one of those too. I think it's been a little while, and say what you will about being too common or boring or whatever, but I still feel they have some of the nicest colourings and markings out there, they're cute and fun and I like 'em so you're going to see them from me a lot. If you don't like it, you're in the wrong fandom I think xD

Anyway, tied up vixen girl. Lemme know your thoughts, folks!

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