"...Then again, I suppose that's not surprising in the slightest, now that I look at it in hindsight.", Sabot said, sighing deeply as he leaned back somewhat, eyeing the floor instead of the oriental-looking feline that stood close by.
"Why go on ahead and expose herself to danger when she could have me go up front and be her meat shield instead, right?", the sandy beige shark finished, looking up at the Tonkinese with a cold, empty facial expression, bearing the ever-present trace of spite.
Asher's eyes widen a little bit in amusement. "Hah! Coming around to our ways of thinking, I see? Good... It's good, I mean... To view your partner in an unfavourable light might help you spill the beans on her all the more."
- Sabot and Asher
It would just so happen that the oriental feline should've taken a hint or two from his marine, tiger shark friend while he had the chance; don't play with your food.
Commissioned by DiscardingSabot and Redwish, drawn by Fjorge.
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