european mythology and etc created by jeacn
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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    My favorite monster in the franchise <3

    I can see why. It's fucking beautiful. And badass.

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  • Awesome monster, totally badass.


    ….is it just me, or does it look kind of like one of those realistic Pokemon fusions (Lucario and Zubat, specifically)?

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  • Mr.Mimic said:
    Awesome monster, totally badass.


    ….is it just me, or does it look kind of like one of those realistic Pokemon fusions (Lucario and Zubat, specifically)?

    Nah, It's just you.

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  • Mr.Mimic said:

    Alright then. Still, badass.

    But it can be so fucking annoying while hunting, and at the end you probably kill it anyway. You can capture it but it only makes things worse for that creature.
    WHY CAN'T I KEEP CAPTURED MONSTERS!?!? (goes crying in corner)

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  • Yveltallover said:
    But it can be so fucking annoying while hunting, and at the end you probably kill it anyway. You can capture it but it only makes things worse for that creature.
    WHY CAN'T I KEEP CAPTURED MONSTERS!?!? (goes crying in corner)

    *Doesn't know Monster Hunter.* Uh… there there…

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  • Mr.Mimic said:
    *Doesn't know Monster Hunter.* Uh… there there…

    Play it, you probably won't regret. (minimum 100 hours of playing, if you are okay with that, buy it right now)

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  • Yveltallover said:
    Play it, you probably won't regret. (minimum 100 hours of playing, if you are okay with that, buy it right now)

    Eh, I gave it a small try, but it didn't really grab me. I guess the combat is too… realistic? Involved? Never been a fan of things like weapon degradation and such. Plus it didn't make me feel like I was accomplishing anything. Just sort of swinging or shooting in the enemy's direction until they fell down. No real *tooth* to the hits, y'know?

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  • Mr.Mimic said:
    Eh, I gave it a small try, but it didn't really grab me. I guess the combat is too… realistic? Involved? Never been a fan of things like weapon degradation and such. Plus it didn't make me feel like I was accomplishing anything. Just sort of swinging or shooting in the enemy's direction until they fell down. No real *tooth* to the hits, y'know?

    This game is a non-stop race for new armor and weapons, until you are sick of defeating the same monster 100th time.
    Only some people find that enjoyable, I do!

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  • Yveltallover said:
    This game is a non-stop race for new armor and weapons, until you are sick of defeating the same monster 100th time.
    Only some people find that enjoyable, I do!

    Oh, I don't mind grinding - I've ground through the handheld Castlevanias so much they might as well be a fine, snortable powder now. But I need some kind of indication I'm actually doing something, some numbers popping up, or a good weighty thwack or squelch when my weapon connects. I just didn't get that from the game.

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  • I'd love to see this but in arctic coolers, white instead of black and blue instead of red.

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