katiana created by ruaidri

Not Interested

I'm starting work on my next comic! I'm actually taking some time to do some study and practice stuff, as I often do in my downtime, but I typically get tired of that after only a few hours and have lots of daylight left to do other stuff, so after study stuff I'll probably do a little preliminary comic design and figurin'.

For those who haven't already heard about it despite me blabbing about it a ton, it's going to be a hypnosis/mind control themed short little story that leans pretty close to non-con territory. I had a fairly solid idea for who I wanted to draw as the "mind-controllee" from the moment I conceived the idea. For some odd reason a simple cat girl just jumped out at me.

Wanted to fiddle with her character design a bit and explore what I'd like to do for her outfit. She's very simple, visually- this is kind of ideal if I'm going to be drawing a character ten billion times. That said, I think she's still rather striking thanks to the bold red dress and black stockings against her pure white fur. Should keep her from being too boring!

I haven't fully decided who the "mind-controller" will be. I've got one idea but I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. Will either be an existing but unused character of mine, or I'll just make up another rando. Undecided.

Anyway, just a bit of brain-vomit there. A quickie flat colour doodle, but I hope y'all like it.

If you like the sounds of what I'm planning and wanna help me make it a reality, a little support would be super helpful and is always appreciated! https://www.patreon.com/ruaidri
Patrons get first access to any comic pages as I finish them (though we're a little ways away from starting that yet, we're early alpha right now!), some WIP stuff, and I miiiiight do a YCH situation for a background character or two, though I'm still thinking about that.

If not, that's cool too. Finished pages will always make their way to FA in due time, paywalls can suck it. A little support will help me make this faster though. ;P

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