mythology created by ruaidri

Renzey Commission

When you're as fluffy as this guy, just about anywhere makes for a comfortable spot to lay down. But when that place is a big cushy bed of moss it certainly doesn't hurt things much.

Lotta hard things for me in this one. Smoothskin always give me a problem, I suspect always will. Dragons have also always given me a touch of trouble. Night time lighting makes my brain asplode. Highlights in blue? What is this nonsense, highlights are supposed to be warmer than the main colour, not cooler! x3

The bed of moss was also pretty tricky, and while I don't think it necessarily looks super moss-like, it looks decent overall. I'm particularly happy with thinking to give it the radial pattern, perspective for the win.

Also, the glowy spots are supposed to be fireflies, but that's another effect I've pretty much never done so again, not the best, but hopefully not too bad. Lemme know your thoughts, folks.

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