esther created by hauringu

My Dearly Beloved...

"You rest inside my mind
Since the day you came
I knew you would be with me
All the time we spent
What we shared was surely
Warm enough to know you cared for me."

Esther paid a visit to the lost graves where many Abyssal Wolf was put to their final resting place. Many of them met their untimely fate when they were sent to the Asylum or killed in a genocide. Most of the dead she could hear would cry and whimper through sorrow and other would howl and scream in anguish. Some of which would pierce her heart in a turmoil of emotions as Esther quelled the restless spirits. She would listen to each and every souls that she encounter as they tell their story of how they lived....and died. The deceased pleaded Esther in hope she can deliver a few message to their lost loved ones of how much they misses them and wishes how things would have been. A feeble promises but they will, nonetheless, find peace and move on to the next life without sheer moments of regret. Perhaps this is one of those thing that Esther have to endure, a painful reminder that the world she's living in can be cruel and unjust as the way they treated towards to the Abyssal Wolf.

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