yavatube equine, teacher canine, yavatube tiger, shota feline, white canine, and etc created by manmosu marimo
Children: 1 child (learn more) show »


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Eng: Because I was told recently that the characters had lacked their own character profiles, in which people did not know the names of characters, but that is no issue and can even be skipped. But that does not excuse how I feel about doing this.

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  • Jpn Text
    • (( Description ))


    • Hしてるとこを動画にしているので「受」はHに積極的。強制的なものはNG。


    • 相思相愛のカップル。「攻」がH大好きなのでリードをとるのは「攻」。


    • 「攻」が「受」を性処理道具としてみているが、「受」は頼られている自分が好き。


    • 薬、大人の道具、拘束具、強姦なんでもあり。だが、欠損や死亡などグロテスクな表現はNG。


    >>> Eng Translation
    • (( Description ))

    I have listed the background-settings of the main characters I draw,
    Since lately people are saying my sexuality is bugged out.
    If there are any characters you don't know, Feel free to skip that section.
    Well, but I think that won't be an excuse for my sexuality to be bugged out tho.

    • Sub is aggressive in sex since they're making videos of them having sex.

    But, they hate to be forced; Their sex is consensual, and Dom is keeping Sub in a good mood while having sex.

    • They're a compatible couple.

    Dom loves sex, so he takes the lead.
    But sometimes, Sub takes the lead and Dom flinches.
    Although they don't like to be forced, Dom wants to see Sub feel shy by soft S&M.

    • Dom sees Sub as a sex-toy, but Sub likes being relied on.

    Dom thinks Sub is a useful guy who can just call him up and have sex, so their sex is pretty one-sided.
    Sub believes he's being relied on, so he does as he's told.
    But, they don't want be forced; it's only consensual.

    • They have drugs, adult-toys, restraints, rape, or whatever.

    However, I do Not draw amputation, death, or other grotesque.
    Sub is a slave (by background-setting), so Dom can do whatever he wants.
    Sub is unwilling to have sex since he doesn't want to,
    But can't stop ejaculating because of drugs and effective stimulation.
    Dom will usually be Sub's owner, but they often sex with others as well.


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  • lafleur said: Stiil waiting on translation

    nocklee said: The bios of their penises were translated before themselves. Priorities....

    Well yeah, but I decided to leave a translation so that people can enjoy this artist's works more.
    Anybody please fix any strange sections as needed.

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