Lu wakes up after his first sexual experience with his roommates and finds Liam alone in the kitchen and sees it as appropriate to repay his affection from the previous day
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Lu awoke with a dull ache through his body and groaned as he slowly shifted from his back to be on his side. His tailhole hurt, but in a good way. It was like a sore muscle after a day of working out. He felt accomplished and happy, the first time in a while since the whole prospect of having to move was thrust upon him.
The rabbit glanced up at his alarm clock on the edge of his bedside table and saw that it was ten minutes before his alarm was supposed to go off. The rabbit groaned again, this time in frustration, and turned over onto his other side. He closed his eyes and tried to will himself to go back to sleep, but it didn't work. Once he was up, he was up for good.
Lu threw the covers off of himself and sat up. He reached over to his clock and flicked off the alarm before it had a chance to go off. A soft yawn made it's up through the femboy's mouth and he sighed while scooting closer to the edge of his bed. The room was dark with the only light coming in through the closed blinds of his window. It was earlier in the morning than he would have liked but since it was the first day of classes, he needed to be responsible and adhere to a schedule. Being an adult is overrated, the bunny said to himself.
Still dressed in his shorts and a small T-shirt, Lu made his way out into the hallway and into the bathroom. After relieving himself, the rabbit groggily made his way back to his door but there came the distinct sound of glasses and plates getting shifted around. It made Lu turn to the sound and saw that Liam was doing the dishes. In true to his nature, he only wore a shirt with nothing below his waist.
Lu's eyes immediately locked onto the equine's bare backside and he found himself being drawn closer to the kitchen. The stallion seemed to be pretty oblivious to the femboy's presence. A radio was playing some music as he went about scrubbing down the dishes in the sudsy sink basin. It wasn't until the rabbit was right next to him that Liam looked over and startled by how sneaky his roommate had been.
“Jesus!” The horse yelled and then laughed. “We're gunna have to put a bell on you, can't have a sneaky rabbit running around the apartment.” He wore a wide grin and went back to his task.
“Heh, sorry about that. Makes me wonder what I could have gotten away with without you noticing.” Lu peeked over at the sink and saw that there was nothing left save for a cup. All the other dishes were on the drying rack.
“Noah gets away with quite a bit when I'm distracting. Doing the dishes and listening to some music always put me in a good mood, ya know?” Liam reached down to grab the remaining cup to rinse it out but paused when he felt Lu stroke a paw over his butt. The horse perked up and turned to look at the lapine and see what he was doing.
The femboy seemed to be fully concentrating on the Liam's backside and was rubbing along its soft, toned surface. “Can I help you?” the stallion half laughed while wearing an affectionate smile. Lu seemed to startle from his trance as if he just realized what he was doing. He pulled his paw away and looked up at his roommate.
“Sorry, you have a nice butt. I should probably ask before touching.” Lu folded his paws behind his back and averted his gaze.
“Quite the flatterer,” Liam said and placed the last cup on the drying rack. “I am pretty proud of my butt. If you want you can feel free to touch it whenever you want.” The horse nodded to himself and then startled when Lu took immediate advantage of the his free reign. The rabbit had positioned himself to be directly behind the other male and this time he had both paws stroking Liam's ass, one on each cheek.
The stallion nickered and shivered as the distinct feeling of Lu nuzzling between those cheeks came to him. He leaned against the sink and looked over his shoulder to see the rabbit seemed to be lost in his own little world. While leaning down, he was burying his nose under Liam's tail and continuing to rub circles along the sides of his butt and thighs.
“I never pegged you to be an ass worshiper,” Liam said and staggered his feet a little more.
“Well...I gotta repay you somehow for yesterday. Right?” Lu said after taking a small break from adoring the stallion's cleft.
“Oh I'm not complaining,” Liam huffed. The femboy didn't reply. Instead he dropped down to his knees and aggressively gripped both of the stud's buttcheeks and splayed them open. Liam's tailhole gave a reflexive wink as it was suddenly exposed. All the attention that he was getting was causing blood to slowly enter into his huge cock. There came a pause form the rabbit as he sat there just staring at that gorgeous, thick pucker. But not just that, Liam's pristine taint and heavy ballsack hung just below and Lu as able to clearly see it all.
The stallion's masculine aroma was strong and it flooded the femboy's senses. He couldn't keep himself from leaning in after the first breath of it.
Liam moaned at the first feeling of Lu's lips pressing around the ridge of his tailhole. He pressed back and shivered. The rabbit's arms came around to hug the stallion's sides as he dug his tongue at the center of that large anal ring. The hole gave another reflexive wink but then loosened to allow the slippery appendage entry. Lu delved as deep as he could right away. He suckled at that tailhole while he fucked it with his tongue. Drawing back and forth, he was awash in the intoxicating situation. Bowing at the altar, as it were.
Another powerful moan made its way through the stallion. His cock was growing harder rather fast, but he refused to touch it. For now at least. Noah wasn't one to rim his ass, so it was a nice treat to get some lip affection in that way. Particularly by someone who seemed so eager to do the task.
Liam looked over his shoulder again to watch the rabbit. The top of Lu's face was visible from under the stallion's tail and between his buttcheeks. The rabbit had a dazed expression on his face, but feeling the horse turn prompted him to look up and catch Liam's eyes. The two shared a pleasured look while the femboy continued to dig his tongue so feverishly against the loosened tailhole. After getting tired of suckling the rim and playing on the inside, Lu drew back to trace the edge of the hole with the tip of his tongue.
Saliva dripped down from the stallion's pucker and over his taint, the first bead racing for those heavy equine balls. Lu slipped back from that dark, flexing hole and drew his lips lower to follow that stray bead. Kissing across Liam's taint and finally getting to those large orbs, the rabbit buried his face against them and took another deep breath of their musky scent. He wanted to bath in the stallion's smell and so he worshiped those luscious jewels just as well.
“You're awfully affectionate this morning. What's gotten into you?” Liam asked with a slight laugh and looked down between his legs at the nuzzling rabbit. The two locked gazes again, but this time the horse's balls were planted over the femboy's forehead.
“Oh, uh...I dunno...” Lu shrugged his thin shoulders. “I kind of tend to be horny in the morning. That and I've been looking for a way to have fun with you.”
“Have fun, eh?” The stallion pulled away from the rabbit and lifted his leg so that he could turn around an face his roommate. Where hefty balls had once been, now there was a semi-hard horse dick dangling close to Lu's nose.
“Y-yeah.” The rabbit was looking cross-eyed at the equally delicious horse dick. “Since you sucked me off I should give something back, right?”
Liam laughed as he was reminded of yesterday's nubile session with the femboy. “You're not obligated, you know. I doubt it'll be the last time I suck on your cock.” He looked down at the rabbit passed his member. Lu was staring at his dick like it was a pendulum and he was getting hypnotized. It wasn't entirely clear if the rabbit actually heard any word that he had said.
MemberNice story, also is it bad if I say the horse reminds me of Jak from Jak and Daxter?
MemberFucking hawt!!!!
Memberur right]
Memberwhat a gorgeous hot stud. craving a good ass so bad
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