Figure Painting
So, zambuka was kind enough to link me to a little site designed to help with figure sketching, which is a good way for artists to practice. I guess, I don't know much about it personally, but I've heard nothing but good things about it, so I've been trying to get into the habit of doing it myself. A page or two of 30 second figure sketches whenever I can manage.
I also decided however that I wanted to take a bit more of an indepth look at anatomy, so I decided I'm going to try to do some full paintings from references here and there, whenever I can get the motivation. Having this handy tool now available, it seemed like a good way to get started. So I found one I liked and got drawing.
This was SO HARD. Gah. I'm not used to drawing from references at all. I don't know if I managed to learn much of anything, but it was definitely a good way of pointing out all my bad habits. Damn. Stack on my general dislike of drawing existing pictures and this was generally a pretty unfun time. However, I do feel like it was pretty good practice, so I would expect to see more coming in the future.
Obviously some artistic lisence was taken, but for the initial sketches I tried to get the anatomy as correctly as I was able to. It's not even close, but it's the best I can do right now. :P
Here's the picture I reffed from -
All credit for the pose and such goes to the photographer and the site and such. I'm just a'learnin' here.
But for now, I'ma go draw something fun to get the taste of this picture out of my mouth. x3 Lemme know your thoughts, folks.
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