alastair created by redrusker
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The Physical

Having his annual physical due, Alastair made an appointment with the department's physician and went in for a full checkup. After meeting the new physician for the police department, a handsome young male lion, and exchanging greetings, the doctor asks Alastair to remove all his clothes. Though the doctor doesn't provide him with a gown to wear. He simply proceeds to conduct the physical exam with Alastair completely naked in the office. Alastair finds this a bit odd, but being perfectly comfortable with his own body, doesn't ask questions.

After having Alastair sit on the exam table, the doctor listens to Alastair's heartbeat and breathing, has Alastair lie on his back and performs an abdominal check by tapping Alastair's abs, does an EKG while Alastair is lying on his back, then checks Alastair's blood pressure, performs a reflex test, hearing and vision check, and skinfold caliper test. EKG and heart rate normal, blood pressure healthy, respiration rate normal, abdominal check normal, reflexes normal, weight and BMI healthy, seems the doctor finds him in perfect physical health.

Now for the final part of the exam, the docotr asks Alastair to sit back on the table and let him check for hernias or any abnormal lumps on his testicles. However, for this test the doctor decides to take his sweet time examining Alastair's reproductive organs. And although the doctor is clearly enjoying himself, poor Alastair trying to remain cool and professional can't seem to help blushing a little as he is a bit aroused by the doctor's warm paws handling his nuts.

Heh it's a good thing the doctor didn't perform the testicular exam at the same time Alastair was lying down and had the EKG electrodes attached to his chest, or the EKG might have shown an abnormality and Alastair would have to come in for a follow-up appointment. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Commission done by the very talented RedRusker

Hehe seems Alastair's balls might be a bit blue. I wonder if this friendly new doctor will help treat that too. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  • Comments
  • "Doc, I've been having some pain in my sack lately, like they are full."

    "I know a cure for that."

    *cue cheezy porn music*

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  • Fuzzus said:
    I wonder what an illustration with a HUMAN skeleton doing on the background.

    It's a humanitarian's office.

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  • Nelsonbutterscotch said:
    Why are there human diagrams on the wall?

    Oh, I don't know, maybe he didn't want to draw out a fully detailed furry anatomy diagram for what was probably a 20$ commission. Would you?

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  • sinfultendencies said:
    Doctor my dick tastes like skittles, can you examine it?

    I will use this some time xD

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