created by ruaidri

Saisashi Sketch

Ahh, hypnotism. It's a subject I'm not asked to draw nearly often enough, especially with females! Ladies, you ever want someone to take over your mind and force you to abide by their every desire, you know who to come to... xD

Looks like it might have taken a while, based on those chains, and there was probably a struggle, but I suspect she's learned her place by now. Yes, I'm sure she'll be only too happy to do absolutely anything her captors could ever want!

Anywho, again simple pose, but I'm still trying to get the hang of this one without screwing it up. I still ended up drawing her torso way too long in this one two or three times before finally getting it the right length. So I might as well keep workin' at it 'till I get it right. :P

She originally asked to have a hand holding her chin up slightly, but I couldn't think of a way to do this without either having the hand disembodied, or having to draw an entire second character that would either be half off the page or blocking this character, so I left it out entirely. I hope that's not a big deal?

Otherwise, lemme know your thoughts.

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