esther, esther, and shomari (stoneheart (lordofthetroglodytes)) created by acev
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The warlord Shomari with his newest acquisition from his conquests: the fennec princess Esther.

Shomari was an attempt at breeding a better warrior, being the product of several generations of being together prize warriors and fighters of African wild dogs, lions, and wolves. While they succeeded in making a better, stronger, faster, and smarter warrior, Shomari proved to be too independent. It did not take long for him to gather a following, and shortly after, an army. Pillaging the countryside, nation after nation was given the option: give up the first born royal as a slave and ten percent annual tribute, or be overran and at the mercy of a ruthless warlord. It didn't take long before many nations learned that the tribute was the better option.

Esther's kingdom was one of the few to try and resist Shomari, her father going so far as to refuse one last offer of clemency before Shomari took his life. Shomari then claimed Esther as his personal slave, a part of his harem. Disgraced and without a kingdom, all she can now do is learn how to properly please her master

Shomari belongs to me
Esther belongs to LordoftheTroglodytes

Neither can be used without permission

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