rachel created by sparrow (artist)
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B&E&BDSM, p7

I just want to note that initially I wanted to embed the two chicks in a giant sandcastle, but ultimately it would have made things even more visually confusing...but as they say, it's the thought that counts.

Also, it feels odd posting this bright sunny spot of summer fun on a dreary, overcast winter day...but as they say, time waits for no porn.


Story by Sashi138

While good weather was still about, the zebra decided for his girls to be taken to the beach and given a chance to both enjoy the tail end of the season, as well as use them to get some money together, both to help pay for the house in general, as well as perhaps ( if they were good enough) earn them a treat or two, and also help stock up on the upcoming fall sports season.
Both girls would need a few new things, and being that the zebra had mostly taken care of the house itself for the last few months he'd been squatting and "taking advantage" of now both girls' sexual bondage hospitality, he decided this was a great time to spend one last bit of fun in the sun before it got too cold, and get a little green besides.

Getting both girls a matching set of clothing that showed off all their charms ( and was designed to be torn away at the hint of a finger, or an equally strong breeze) He took them down to a very particular beach that he knew was where the ordinary fur's hang out and where a good number of the "not so pretty crowd" were often struck with blue balls and would adore a means of busting a nut or three!

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