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Lights shone down from the rafters onto the gym battlefield – a medium-sized fighting arena covered in dirt, rocks and boulders. In the center stood two opposing figures, a towering stone serpent and a small blue tortoise. The Squirtle had come out on top pretty quickly over the Geodude just before, but not before getting socked in the gut with a clean rock throw. Still, the odds felt pretty even as the water type pokemon grinned challengingly up at the looming Onix. The pair of determined pokemon faced off for a long moment before the green signal light in the corner came on and the commands came shouting from the darkness beyond the arena.

“Onix! Rock Tomb!”

“Squirtle, hit it with Water Gun!”

Squirtle let out its cry as it opened its mouth and let out a powerful torrent of water at Onix, just as the stone creature swiped its tail at a nearby boulder and send a flak wave of stone chunks at the smaller challenger. Both attacks hit their mark, and Onix reeled back from the super effective strike, leaving himself open for attack.

Such an attack did not come, as Squirtle took a moment to right himself from the surprise blast of rocks that nearly covered his whole body. Just as the water pokemon was pulling himself free, Onix swiped out with his tail and grasped Squirtle’s smaller body tightly, encircling him more and squeezing tightly. Squirtle hadn't heard his opponent's command of using Bind, and was finding he couldn't easily struggle against it. He winced and grunted as he felt his shell tightening around his body. Still, he awaited his trainer's command, he could feel the satisfaction of his next attack so plainly in his mind, his chest filling with anticipation for the confident declaration of his finishing move. His teeth shone in a triumphant grin as he watched the fight fade from the opposing Onix's eyes. This was it.

“Squirtle, defend yourself! Use withdraw!”

Both combatants just stayed still for a moment, both truly wondering what was going to happen next. As Onix continued constricting his smaller body, Squirtle looked back out beyond the blinding lights to where the command came from. And just as the pain was beginning to build, he pumped up his chest. With a look of defiant will in his eyes, he let out a cry, followed by another torrent of water, directly into the stone behemoth's face. The blast knocked Onix back once more, causing him to release the water pokemon before falling with a thud to the dirt. A beam of dim red light poured from outside the arena, encompassing the fallen pokemon's body and recalling it, leaving no sign left but the crushed earth where it had lay. Squirtle stood, leaning against a nearby rock and panting for breath as the battle lights went out with a thud, to be replaced by the normal lights. He looked over and saw his trainer, a young, redheaded boy dressed in brown cargo shorts, and a blue tank top with an unzipped black hoodie. He looked shocked for a few moments, then cheered for his partner.

“Yes!! Squirtle you did it! You won! We beat Brock, we beat our first gym!!” A few other trainers, regular participants at this rock gym, looked on from benches on the side. A couple were clapping, but others murmured back and forth between eachother. The winning trainer ran forward and picked up his pokemon, embracing him tightly and laughing, while the Squirtle hugged him back, crying out triumphantly.

The activity died down as the gym leader stepped forward into the center of the battlefield. Brock was a strong man, lean but muscular, with skin rough from training with his pokemon in this rough environment. He looked forward at his victorious opponent with the same face as when he had first seen him, a stern and steady gaze, as if analyzing him second-by-second.

“Zeke,” Brock called out evenly. “You have trained a powerful and fearless pokemon. But I wonder if you've grown as much as him on your journey. You need to learn more about your partners as a pokemon trainer – their strengths and their weaknesses, but not only that, their determination as well. I knew before this battle even started by looking in your Squirtle’s eyes that this team I fought with would have no chance. But, if Squirtle there had listened to your last command, I might have finished him with my next move. Caution is fine, but don't lose sight of victory.”

Zeke looked down at his pokemon which he still held in his arms. The blue tortoise shrugged, not really making eye contact with his trainer. “And Squirtle,” Brock continued, and the two snapped their attention back to the Pewter City Gym Leader. “You and your trainer are both still young, and learning. You went against Zeke, and it worked this time, but remember that he was trying to keep you safe. That'll get easier with time, I promise.”

The two simply nodded their heads, each of them with an identical look of determined sincerity. With that, Brock smiled – the first time either of them had seen him smile – and he held out his hand, presenting a silvery-gray octagonal pin. “That said, I think you both deserve the Boulder Badge. Congratulations, Zeke and Squirtle!”

The dozen or so people sitting on the sidelines cheered and applauded the pair for their first victory. Zeke laughed and tossed Squirtle up high into the air, both of them laughing. The thrill of the battle and the intense victory was the greatest thing the pair had accomplished since they set off on this journey just weeks ago. Through a rocky start and a few moments that tested their partnership, the two made it through, grew stronger, and took down their first big milestone. The picture was clear in both of their minds. They could do this – they would take on the Pokemon League.

That glint of determination in their eyes didn't fade as they left the gym and visited the local pokemon center. Both of them were still beaming as Zeke lifted Squirtle onto the counter. The bright-faced nurse standing on the other side effortlessly matched their enthusiasm as she playfully tapped a pokeball to Squirtle's nose and beamed him into the suddenly-larger orb. As she loaded it onto a labeled tray by the computer, Zeke excitedly rattled off the details of the battle they had just won, and showed her the badge he had pinned on the inside of his hoodie. She listened and smiled genuinely though she must have heard similar stories many times before.

The two left the pokemon center still recounting the battle to themselves, filled with more energy than ever.

“It's not too late yet, ya know?” Zeke grinned, looking to the path heading east, with the looming peak of Mt. Moon in the distance. “Wanna see how far we can get before the sun goes down?” He beamed down at Squirtle. “Squirtle, squirtle!” his eager partner retorted. With the sun still looming high in the western sky, the pair strode down the road out of Pewter city, into the rocky hills and grass of Route 3.

The first time the two of them had ever set out like this together was also the first time the pair had met. Zeke had been out in the hills, walking to the next town over to pick up his first pokemon from the local Pokemon Professor. He was daydreaming and looking up at the morning sky as he walked, when he saw a large Fearow soar by overhead. He watched where it flew and saw as it swooped down low in the space between hills. The boy ran up the hill to view the scene, seeing a pair of small pokemon huddled near eachother. It was a Squirtle, standing over what looked like a wounded Ratata. Each time the Fearow swooped down, the Ratata would curl up into a fearful ball and the Squirtle would release a small burst of popping bubbles, though that only seemed to deter the Fearow away. Just as Zeke was ready to run and find help, he saw the Squirtle get nicked hard by Fearow's powerful beak. The small water type took a cut across his face and his shell, falling to the ground beside Ratata. Zeke was instantly rushing down the hill, screaming at the Fearow as he watched Squirtle struggling to stand back up. He rushed up in front of Squirtle as the large, looming bird pokemon turned around for another pass. He had his pack full of essentials and snacks he could scrounge up from the kitchen pantry at home, strapped with an old sleeping bag and tent his mom got for him second-hand. He pulled the whole pack off over one shoulder, grasping the straps in both hands as Fearow began its dive. Just as the large flyer got close, Zeke screamed and flung the back, tent and all at the attacking bird. The Fearow cried out, crashing its beak through the bag, continuing to barrel forward into the boy.

Zeke was flung to the ground, a beak wound in his shoulder as the Fearow flopped around on the ground nearby, frustrated as it regained its balance before taking flight again and fleeing the scene. After the large bird pokemon left, Squirtle helped Zeke clean his wound. The pair found the Ratata's family hiding nearby and as the boy found his way back to the road, he found the Squirtle following him. The pair exchanged a look as Zeke pulled out the one pokeball he was given before leaving home. With a nod from Squirtle, the deal was done. And though the ball-capture was only temporary – Zeke couldn't imagine keeping his new friend cooped up in the thing – the partnership would prove to be more powerful than the boy could imagine. As the new trainer finally made it to the next town, he politely turned down a new starter from the Pokemon Professor there, and registered as a new trainer, receiving his Pokedex and officially starting a new journey.

Since then, the pair studied and trained hard, learning their limits and how to read their opponents. Squirtle was proven to have excellent instincts and was bold enough to try anything, and Zeke tried his best to be careful and observant of opponents. Together, it wasn't long before the pair had developed a sizable winning streak. The duo pushed their way on willpower alone through the mazelike depths of Viridian Forest and came out the other side, and they took that energy right up through the Pewter City Gym.

That night, the pair made camp on top of a mostly flat grassy hill, some ways off the main path but high above the tall grass. The pair lay out on the grass near their campfire, looking up at the infinite pinpricks of stars in the sky. Zeke held his hand up, letting his arm stiffen a bit and balance in place as he watched the flecks of bright embers float upward to join the stars.

“You really are incredible, Squirtle,” Zeke hummed. He felt like his smile hadn't faded that whole day. “I don't know what a trainer like me did to deserve a pokemon as smart and powerful as you are.”

Squirtle sat up and looked at him. He still smiled and let out a friendly cry before leaping onto his trainer. The boy yelped in surprise and giggled, playing along as Squirtle wrestled with him. Zeke was bigger, but one couldn't discount the strength of a tough starter. He tossed his Squirtle away and leapt up, just as the little blue turtle landed on his feet in a mock fighting stance. The pair sized eachother up and Zeke belted out aggressively, “Zeke uses Tackle!” before dashing forward and diving at Squirtle, who dodged out of the way just in time. Squirtle then shouted out. “Squirtle squirt! Squirtle!!” Then began to kick up sand with his tail at Zeke.

“Oh no, Sand Attack!” Zeke cried, “I can't see!” He covered his eyes as if the sand had gotten in them, though it had only coated his shoes. Zeke then leapt over to the campfire and grabbed a small stick that still glowed a little red. He waved it around benignly, shouting, “Zeke uses Ember! Fwoosh!!”

At this new attack, Squirtle clutched both his little hands to his chest and stumbled backward a few feet before falling backward onto his shell dramatically. Zeke leapt up, “HaHA! Victory for Ze-” but his victory cry was cut off as the Squirtle leapt up in a surprise attack, announced only by the declarative “Squirtle!!!” before the little blue water type let out a broad Water Gun attack that immediately knocked the boy back onto his rear and drenched him head to foot. As Zeke slowly stood up, trying to shake dry, Squirtle couldn't stop laughing.

“Squirtle, not cool!” Zeke whined, while the pokemon just rolled around on the ground, trying to catch his breath between coughing laughs. The trainer took off his hoodie, tossing his Boulder Badge into his tent before twisting the jacket dry. He grinned back down at his pokemon, finally joining him in laughter. “Well, I guess this counts as a bath. I probably needed it anyway,” he said as he began pulling off his shirt. He folded it and set it near the campfire before beginning to slip off his pants.

Squirtle was behind him, catching his breath before standing up and flexing a bit. After a moment, he looked over to his trainer and realized the boy was suddenly very quiet, sitting kinda still, facing the fire away from him. “Squirtle?” the pokemon intoned as he stepped a little closer, causing Zeke to flinch before looking over his shoulder. “Oh! Uh, I'm fine Squirtle! I'm gonna go to bed in a... in a minute, just lemme uh, sit here for a little bit and, uh... Th-think!”

Squirtle had only been travelling with his trainer for a couple of weeks, but he knew the boy well enough that this was not usual behavior. He grinned and poised himself once more, his playful instincts ready for a surprise attack from the boy. He would strike first!

Zeke yiped as he was bowled over by the surprisingly somewhat heavy pokemon, struggling a bit to push the turtle off him. As Squirtle leapt off and looked down at his mostly-naked trainer, his combative smile faded at the sight of Zeke looking nervous and panicked with a firm tent poking up from his boxers.

“Squirtle?” The pokemon tilted his head in curiosity, eyeing his master's crotch before the boy jumped to cover himself up as best as he could. The redheaded boy had a few freckles on his face, but under his clothes, his fair white skin was flecked along his chest and shoulders with scores of the tiny dotted marks. Zeke's face was flushed red as he looked at his pokemon. “I-It's nothing. I just...” Squirtle could see discomfort in his trainer's eyes, something he hadn't seen in him until now. He sat down just a couple feet in front of his trainer, and just sat silently.

Zeke looked down at his first and only pokemon, his partner. The skilled young squirtle looked back up at him almost like he was waiting for something, a command, or maybe just to listen. “Oh jeez,” Zeke sat up and covered his face with his hands. “I don't know how you could help me with this... I just – I've been really, I dunno... excited, ever since I first met you, Squirtle. You're perfect in every way, and we work so well together. I mean, I knew we would go far, but that win against Brock felt amazing! And um...” He paused, looking away a little sheepishly. “Well, every time we win, I get a weird feeling in my gut and... My penis gets uh, pretty hard.” Zeke was no longer actively hiding his thinly-clothed erection, his legs parted and folded in front of him. Squirtle looked back down at the sight, absorbing everything.

In a surprisingly quick turnabout, the Squirtle suddenly smiled and looked back up at his trainer with a nod, proclaiming proudly, “Squirtle!” After a moment, he leaned back, somewhat balancing on his back shell a bit. Zeke blushed even harder as he watched his pokemon reaching between his legs to, to his trainer's disbelief, a faint crease in the crotch-plate of his shell. Squirtle traced his claw up and down that gradually-more-visible slit in his shell until he could dip inward and part it. It seemed surprisingly malleable, and in the cool air of the growing evening, Zeke could see a faint puff of steam from what must have been the musky wet confines of his pokemon's internal groin. Then, slowly slinking out from that parted opening appeared something the trainer very slowly realized was Squirtle's penis. It was thin and had a light wave to its angle, which became more apparent as it grew.

Zeke stared breathlessly for several long moments, unaware that Squirtle was watching his human cock bounce energetically beneath his boxers. There was a long pause, interrupted only by a faint breeze that blew between the pair, and then Zeke leaned back and slowly removed his boxers, setting them aside before just setting his hands on his knees and looking back at Squirtle. He looked around a bit awkwardly, as if finding the way to word his question. “So, you feel like that about me too?” Squirtle smiled, nodding and giving an affirmative “Squirtle.” The boy grinned, a bit bashfully, rubbing at the back of his neck as he seemed to relax a bit. As he did, Squirtle crawled closer. Zeke watched closely but didn't move away as the blue turtle sat right between his own legs and, after a moment of catching his trainer's eyes with his own, reached out to press his own cock against the human's.

Zeke gasped at the surprise contact but couldn't help reaching down instinctively and grasping at the pair of their cocks, squeezing them together. The feeling was intense and intimate, something different than the rare times he had tried touching himself. The feel of his own young, firm cock pressed against his pokemon's long, thin and squishy shaft was strange, but incredibly exciting. It was a lot for the young trainer's mind and body to process, and it didn't take long before he felt his body become light as a feather, and then crumble into an unstoppable avalanche of an orgasm, whimpering as he coated his own chest and toned belly with several strings of his own semen.

Zeke's eyes closed as he caught his breath, basking in the warmth of his trembling body and the calm blankness of his mind during the afterglow. Squirtle sat still, watching his trainer's body throughout that orgasm, and it made him even more excited. He sat back and continued to stroke himself at the sight of his trainer's spent, languid young form. It was a few moments before Zeke opened his eyes and looked back down at his pokemon, seeing the turtle still tenderly stroking himself.

“A-ah, Squirtle that was awesome,” he chuckled, sitting back up and smiling warmly down at his pokemon. “Squirtle... let me do something for you now,” the boy turned and laid down on his stomach, ignoring the mess he had just made on himself for now. He crawled forward until his head was between Squirtle’s squat little legs. He looked up at his partner with a smile and then, before he could even think about what he was doing, he traced his tongue up along the length of the water pokemon's thin, slick member. Just as his tongue grazed against that thin little tip, he felt a taste of something different. He swallowed, getting a taste of something warm and salty, almost like seawater but less harsh. He pulled back and saw a steady stream of the watery, clear liquid beading at Squirtle's tip, then trailing quickly down that thin shaft.

Squirtle's eyes had squeezed shut at the first sensation of that warm, flat tongue against his member. As Zeke did it again, the little blue tortoise looked down and restrained himself from just grabbing his trainer's head and pushing in. This was all still a bit new for Squirtle, at least in that he'd never tried anything with another pokemon before, let alone a human. Still, he was familiar with his more carnal feelings, and was familiar with what his body wanted now. He let Zeke gently tongue-bathe his cock, muttering his own name for a bit and relaxing in the moment before finally deciding what to do. He knew he was bonded to his trainer, and that they trusted eachother fully. His instincts knew of one way to make that official.

“S-Squirtle,” the pokemon pulled back after a moment, and Zeke froze, silent for a moment before piping up bashfully, “S-sorry, was it bad?” The Squirtle didn't reply, instead hopping up and walking around to Zeke's side. Confused, the trainer rolled over onto his back as he felt his partner pushing him that way. Then Squirtle walked around to his trainer's front, as Zeke parted his legs a bit to look at his pokemon curiously. “Squirtle, what are you wanting to-” the tortoise still didn't respond, and stepped forward, small hands on his trainer's smooth thighs, tracing one small palm inwards until he was cupping Zeke's ballsack. He fondled and gently squeezed his trainer's young, churning testicles, youthful balls eagerly mixing up still more fresh seed. A moment later, the squirtle tucked his small digits a bit further down until he pressed against Zeke's tiny, tight, virginal ring.

All in that moment, the situation dawned on Zeke.

“Oh,” he intoned.

“Squirtle?” the pokemon questioned. Zeke knew what the little guy was asking, and instantly he knew what his answer was, but he paused to inhale that moment, youthful mind unable to follow how fast everything was happening but eager to try it nonetheless. His eyes darted away for a moment as his mouth cracked into a grin of nervous excitement. His voice squeaked behind his teeth, unable to form any words, but he nodded, bidding a smile across Squirtle's face as the tortoise drew himself closer.

For Zeke, it was a strange sight watching the small pokemon position himself between his legs and push forward. Still, the trainer's body seized when he felt that wet tip against his soon-to-be entrance. He got nervous for a moment as he thought about how much this might hurt for his first time, but as that tip pressed more firmly against that little pucker, he felt that persistently gushing fluid filling his crevice and coating his unused walls inside him in the super-slick fluid. The watery precum seeped through any tightness, and as Squirtle began to push forward, his thin shaft met with minimal resistance.

Zeke's eyes opened wide and he let out a long and loud moan before catching himself and covering his mouth with his hand. Squirtle's grin grew wider as he pressed forward as far as he could, pressing his shell flush against his trainer's soft rump. The boy's breathing grew deeper and slower as he felt that warm shaft filling him deeper than he'd felt anything before, and even further as that watery preseed seeped through the deeper depths of his bowels, slickening passageways surely nothing could reach.

Squirtle began to move, grunting between each of his movements as he pumped upward into his trainer. Zeke was leaned back on his elbows, intently spreading his legs wide to allow his partner to continue plunging his ass, spreading his ring open for the first time in his life. The slipperiness of Squirtle's pre made the trainer's first time surprisingly pleasant. The sting of being invaded persisted, but it was faint and overpowered by the new and unique feeling of being touched and stretched inside, and the thorough massaging his prostate was receiving for the first time. His own prick twitched in time with his squirtle's thrusts. Pre leaked down his shaft and balls to mingle with the squishing and squelching mess that was gushing past his hole with each pump of Squirtle's shaft.

Before long, Zeke was starting to feel somewhat full, placing one hand on his belly as he felt, both inside and out, his partner's warm, watery prefluid pouring deeper into his guts, enjoying the sense of the fluid exploring depths within him he'd never felt. The boy was in a haze of new pleasures, and soon all he could do was moan out to his partner. “Squirtle, this is... it's so...” He felt himself reaching the height of that pleasure again, his body stiffening and his breath coming in more rapid pants. “I'm gonna...” he huffed.

Squirtle had held himself on the edge for some time, waiting for his partner to reach that point. He grimaced with restraint, but had been pacing himself so he wouldn't blow his load too quickly. As he felt those already-tight walls squeeze suddenly around his shaft, he began to push himself toward that ledge. His hips pounded harder, faster. Zeke's ass slurped hungrily each time that cock pulled out of him, instinctively stretching for it to slide back inside, all while drooling excess watery prefluid onto the grass. Zeke became less concerned about his own moaning as his orgasm mounted. His voice filled the air, crying out wordlessly as his cock stiffened and, without being touched at all, came with a thick torrent of white seed, adding even more to the sticky mess he's already made on his abdomen.

As his trainer vaulted over the edge, Squirtle was finally feeling that final stretch coursing through him, and a feeling in his malehood he'd never been able to experience before. As the blood pumped through the pokemon's body, that thin shaft of his pulsated, and the usually tapered little tip began to bulge rapidly. Within seconds, it was an inch thick and still expanding. Thrusting inward became harder as Squirtle's shaft began to expand from the tip, flaring wide and stretching those tight walls wider.

As Zeke came out of the initial haze of his climax, he became rapidly aware of an increasingly painful tightness in his lower abdomen. “A-ah, Squirtle what is...” and as he looked, he could see a small but obvious bulge just below his naval nearly three inches thick. And just as the pain began to spread with his pulse, he felt something else. It was like when Squirtle was pumping him with pre, but way more noticeable. It was like a water faucet had been turned on inside of him. He could actually see his belly churning just above his pelvis as his intestines were suddenly flooded with the salty, watery seed of Squirtle's orgasm. It was warm and surprisingly forceful, and as the seconds ticked by, Zeke felt the pressure building up in his bowels.His hands clutched at his smooth, slowly-swelling belly, slightly squishy with pokemon seed.. Before the the boy could get too full, Squirtle's impressive orgasm began to taper off.

The small blue turtle panted, short legs trembling with the electricity of afterglow. He looked up and saw his trainer gasping for breath, drool tracing past the corner of his lips, eyes half lidded, half-hard cock twitching and belly full of cum. It was enough to make the pokemon ready to go again. Still, he suppressed that feeling, thinking of his trainer first and beginning to slowly pull out. Zeke gasped, then moaned at the sensation of that smooth, slick intrusion pulling back, stretching his hole wider as that flare was slowly pulled outward. The boy barely had time to register the incredible feeling as pain or pleasure before that thick flare burst free with an audible pop, followed by a thick outpouring of warm, watery pokeseed from his gaping hole before it began to gradually tighten back up into a small but squishy pucker. The trainer slowly pushed his upper body up until he was sitting. He caressed a hand over his belly, feeling the slight swell of his partner's cum inside of him before looking down at his partner.

“Whoah! That thing was inside me!?” The sight of Squirtles junk was nothing like what he'd seen before. What had originally been a thin, tapered shaft looked like it had been replaced with some sort of short plunger. That pink head had swollen into almost a bell shape, flaring outward nearly three inches wide, with a small little nub at its slightly indented center still drooling with the last of his clear, watery load. Squirtle took a moment to catch his breath, plopping down onto his rump as his still-pulsing member began to soften. That flare gradually shrank and within moments, it had turned back into the pencil-thin cocktip it had been before, slowly shrinking back down into the subtle slit of his shell.

Still reeling from the whole event, Zeke simply sighed and lay back onto his back, catching his breath and staring blindly up at the sky. In his hazy stupor, the trainer began to say something to his pokemon, but his words were cut off what he felt the unmistakable wetness of Squirtle’s tongue against his asshole. He began to protest, but the soft warmth of that slick organ gently bathing his well-used and stinging entrance was like a surprisingly welcome dream to the boy. For that moment, the young pokemon trainer sprawled in the decadence of this post-fucking rimjob. His hands roamed over his unusually full belly, round and squishy with the potent load of Squirtle's seed. Even through the pressure of his bowels and stomach being so tightly filled, it felt nice – even relaxing – to feel the weight and warmth of his pokemon's cum inside of him. Just the fact that it felt so natural to him was exciting for the trainer, who realized that this opened up a whole new world for him and his partner.

As the fire burned down, the pair took some time cleaning eachother, taking their time exploring eachother and only once getting into a brief tickling match. Zeke proved to me much more ticklish. As the fire eased down into nothing but embers and ash, the two of them had retreated from the growing cold into their tent and Zeke's sleeping bag. Squirtle had never felt his trainer wrap him up in his arms so tight. They looked at eachother and for a long time, they just smiled at eachother, briefly breaking into a fit of giggles, but not saying a word. Finally, Zeke, tilted his head forward for a moment, his eyes searching Squirtle's. Not knowing what this was, the tortoise was caught by surprise when the boy leaned in and pressed his lips against his own. The awkwardness persisted for a couple seconds before Zeke finally pulled back, looking curiously at Squirtle, who returned the look before smiling and licking affectionately at the human's face. Zeke winced, laughing as he wiped the slick mess off his face and then licked at Squirtle's face in retaliation. The final ember of the campfire faded as their laughter filled the night air.

The next morning, Zeke's pokedex woke him up with his usual morning alarm. His eyes opened and, like with most mornings, he took a moment to piece together his surroundings before he found himself in his tent, sprawled out wildly with his sleeping bag unrolled all around him and Squirtle still snoring loudly into his chest. The boy silenced the alarm and rolled over, cuddling the pokemon close so he was till on his chest. He smiled as he gently rocked the little blue turtle's small frame. As those big blue eyes opened, Zeke whispered excitedly. “Morning, buddy. Ready to go become champions?”

His partner's eyes opened fully, and that broad mouth broke into a grin. “Squirtle squirt!” he cried, leaping up at attention and practically tearing open the zip-up door to the immediate view of the large mountain that loomed nearby.

“That's right, only one thing's in our way before we get to the Water gym.” Zeke climbed out of the tent and into the sun. “We'll push through Mount Moon in no time! Just wait, Cerulean City! We're coming for you!”


And then the trainer felt a cool breeze on his balls and crouched down to cover himself. “Squi-squirtle, where're my clothes!”

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