nalica (mythology) created by animeflux
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“Come on, just over here. I know a nice shady spot where we can relax some.”
Nalica’s voice melodically rang out as she pulled Shephira by the hand. The two lowered the bushel of apples they were carrying to the soft green grass beneath them, and Nalica produced a picnic blanket from seemingly nowhere. Spreading the cloth out on the ground, she looked to her friend with an alluring smile.

Reaching upwards, her hand unclasped the strap of her denim overalls that hung over her left shoulder. Without much more to help hold it up, the strap on her right shoulder fell off her collarbone. As she looked at her friend, Shephira felt a blush creep slowly over her cheeks as she admired Nalica’s breasts. “Let’s have a little fun to take a break from working; you’re looking sweeter than these apples…”

Feeling slightly flustered, Shephira bit her bottom lip. They had been working hard, and she hadn’t had a single moment to relax, so the other girl’s proposition sounded enticing to her. Reaching up with one of her gloved hands, she began to undo the buttons of her farmhand’s shirt. After undoing the bottom button of her shirt, she felt an even deeper blush spread over her cheeks. With scarlet red cheeks, Shephira felt something growing inside her, a growing desire for her friend. As both girls lowered themselves down onto the patterned blanket beneath them, they were eager to dive into new depths of lust.

With Shephira’s legs in Nalica’s lap, the two were ready to have their fun. Reaching down, Nalica pulled the small divider of cloth that prevented her from seeing what she was after to the side. There it was. Shephira’s pussy was on display, and it was ready for a pleasure the two girls couldn’t begin to imagine. A few drops of sweet arousal dripped out of the delicious looking folds of her pussy; the clear liquid caught the sunlight streaming down from between the leaves overhead. Reaching down with a gloved hand, Shephira spread her folds around her fingers to collect some of her own nectar.

Quivering slightly from the pleasure, she brought her hand up before bringing it towards Nalica’s mouth. With her tongue extended, Nalica eagerly licked and suckled the divine flavor of her friend’s pussy. Pulling her hand back, Shephira watched as a strand of saliva connected her gloved fingertips to Nalica’s tongue for a second before breaking. Both girls felt intoxicated from each other’s lust, and as Shephira readied her hand to collect more of her sweet nectar, Nalica licked her lips in anticipation. She was eager for another taste.

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