aliester and moonstalker created by richard foley

Aliester likes his big canines too

Moon and his two wolf buddies were just minding their own business when Aliester came along and molested them! Oh noes!!

  • Comments
  • loaded_stoat said:
    *muurrrrrs* so many hot furre penises. Oh if only i could do that in life

    Jjiped said:
    Why can't this be a reality!!! I want this so badly :,(

    [GER]ray said:
    That's so hawt :o
    I want to be in the position of the brown fox >.<

    You guys can all do this with each other, but I'm doubting it will look anywhere near as hot as this considering the norm for furries being something along the lines of: fat, greasy, creepy, under-endowed and virgin.

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  • JunkieYote said:
    You guys can all do this with each other, but I'm doubting it will look anywhere near as hot as this considering the norm for furries being something along the lines of: fat, greasy, creepy, under-endowed and virgin.

    Nah, wouldn't be the same. No sub for fur =>

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