"In the mountainous and cold region belonging to the Golden Talon, slaves and criminals that are reprimanded for minor crimes or tain to become a slaves are commonly use for a certain kind of... "Services" to offer the population to "boost" morale, mainly use in miner towns or where garrisons are station, the owner of the inn's that work for the Golden Talon company are responsable in distributing and using slaves as they see it fit, some use these slaves for their own profit, others are "borrow" to the population to "boost" morale, slaves and criminals in this service are not allow to wear anything to cover their bodies with, leaving them exposed to the cold and sometimes freezing weather of the mountains, the majority of these "workers" are mouse folk slaves or canine tribals, prisoners of war, that will become slaves for the Golden Talon".
Another small tale for the Fantasy Tales world i'm working on, i'm actually thinking of making more SFW content about this world, i'll let you guys know if i will.
MemberLove these little story type deals they put in the end.
MemberHappy you like it my dude! if you have ideas like this lemme know!
MemberAnd if the slaves misbehave they're put out for public use.
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