lothar (mythology) created by vivamus lican.
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--- Part 2 in child post ---

Oh no ! It seems that Lothar was too much hungry, and he ate your dragon friend ! You stare at him and his completely swollen, dragon-shaped belly. Lothar licks his snout with his blue slobbery tongue, then turns his head at you and says naturally: "Hurry up, my stomach digests quickly." His words are immediatly followed by a long and loud gurgle, his gut starts its work already. You hear a muffled voice coming from the inside, a voice that you recognize well. Yup.. it's definetely your dragon friend turned prey and begging for some help..! But how could you help him now he's tightly sealed in that fleshy prison ? Lothar blinks eyes, and sees your hesitation, or.. maybe your fascination, as the gurgling becomes a lot more frequent. "Time flies..."

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